Thursday, February 15, 2024

April Ryan: Jean-Pierre is Race-Based 'Foolishness'

 Mediaite     "Long-time White House correspondent April Ryan called out criticism of White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as racialized “foolishness” from a “white male-dominated space” — that is, the press briefing room.

"Writing for the New York Times, Michael Grynbaum reported on the current and unique arrangement of press secretaries in the Biden Administration, given Admiral John Kirby’s recent promotion and increased presence during briefings on behalf of President Joe Biden.

"As the first Black and openly gay press secretary, Jean-Pierre cuts a historical figure in the briefing room, filling the rather big shoes of the well-received Jen Psaki, who moved to MSNBC. As with nearly all new press secretaries, Jean-Pierre’s tenure did not start without criticism but was reasonable and partisan.

"Grynbaum thoughtfully lists some of the critiques — namely an over-reliance on prepared talking points in her briefing notebook and that “some reporters grumbled that she occasionally seemed out of the loop,” among other things. Kirby, on the other hand, has received praise, perhaps in part owing to the focused area of his role, national security, and foreign affairs.

"Ryan, a columnist for The Grio, flatly claimed that Jean-Pierre’s standard for judging her is by nature racialized. Grybaum writes:  . . .Full article here.

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