Aww, Israel -- Don't hurt 'em - Mark C. Ross . . ."Perhaps the true essence of this conflict is about the tension between the modern world and the 12th century. Israel is an outpost of modernity amidst an imposed remnant of a dark age, hence their ability to, thus far, defend themselves against a massive aerial bombardment. Female refugees from Iran will eagerly confirm this.
"Meanwhile, as this is being written, pro-Palestinian protests have broken out across the land. They are tying up traffic and chaining themselves to light poles. Again, inflicting misery is supposed to be a good thing. Really? Sounds kind of like the 12th century to me.
"The Europeans are largely compromised on this issue as well. Why else would they have “no go” zones? Domestically, Biden is paying lip service to evil in order to get votes from Dearborn… so he can harvest Michigan’s 15 electoral votes." . . .
Jerusalem Post photo of cars abandoned by those attacked by Hamas at the Nova music festival on Oct 7th:
Hamas Wants The Land of Israel, But It Also Wants Much More Than That - Sha'i ben-Tekoa "As I write this, more than one hundred, (mostly Israeli) Jews are still being held hostage. They have been imprisoned and are tortured 24/7. They are deprived of food; the males are beaten just for fun, and the girls, women, and boys are raped.
"We know this thanks to Arabic language documents IDF soldiers found when they cleared out Hamas nests. The documents contain explicit instructions about how to torture and maim and the best way to kill a Jew with a knife by stabbing him in the neck and/or spine. The same orders tell the captors to keep the captured Jews on the most meager rations.
"These instructions also order the captors to show no tolerance to any hostages who show even the slightest resistance or objection to doing what they are told. If they do, they must be killed.
"The inhumanity of these orders illustrates the culture behind the people carrying out these cruel rituals: Domination and submission, and “oppression and humiliation,” are what the Koran demands." . . .
Israel's right to defense in the face of unprecedented challenges - David Rubin . . ."The chants of "From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free," heard on college campuses (most of whom have no idea which river and which sea they are talking about), echo a call for the eradication of Israel. This rhetoric, left unchecked, fosters an environment where antisemitism can flourish under the guise of political activism.
"The situation presents a distorted picture where the victim of aggression is blamed for defending itself, while the aggressor is portrayed as the victim. This narrative fails to acknowledge the existential threats faced by Israel. This ignores the historical reality that Israel is the only country that has even been sovereign in the land of Israel, which much of the world mistakenly calls Palestine.
"It is essential to recognize that peace and security in the region cannot be achieved by undermining the right of any nation to defend itself or by ignoring the legitimate security concerns of Israel." . . .