Sunday, April 14, 2024

The Robin Hood Effect

  J.B. Shurk - American Thinker

"There is substantial evidence that such popular nullification of the State’s authority is well underway.  The corrupt FBI and DOJ have taken unprecedented steps to imprison President Trump for the rest of his life.  These Gestapo forces have persecuted Trump’s allies, ordinary conservative voters, Christians, pro-life advocates, and parents attending school board meetings. . . ." 

. . ."When the government is in cahoots with a foreign criminal class and intimidates honest people for noticing, respect for the rule of law vanishes quickly.  Just as an immoral law is no law at all, an unjust legal system requires moral people to seek justice elsewhere.

"Denver, Colorado is the latest crime-supporting enclave to announce that it will defund police and fire departments and divert those critical tax dollars toward services and housing for illegal aliens.  A dispassionate observer might conclude that State agents are involved in a criminal conspiracy meant to keep blue-collar wages low, while sustaining hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballot recipients who may influence public policy by voting illegally.  Democrat politicians in Denver parrot the same Orwellian language used in other crime-sponsoring jurisdictions by insisting that illegal aliens be called “newcomers.”  When government agents employ euphemisms to hide their own criminal activities, honest citizens take note.  Police and fire departments feel the pain of remaining silent while the political class engages in indefensible criminality.  Because venal government agents put the public’s safety at risk, law-abiding citizens learn that they cannot stake their families’ lives on the defunct rule of law.

"The fact that public officials break the law so shamelessly adds to the widespread perception in the United States that elections are rigged.  For decades, American citizens have called for secure elections that ensure that only legally permitted voters cast ballots.  Instead, politicians and election officials in too many states have worked to limit photo identification and signature verification requirements.  They have transformed Election Day into Election Season — providing political operatives the time to collect ballots for weeks both before and after important contests.  And they have taken advantage of COVID hysteria to normalize the use of mail-in ballots." . . .  

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