Power Line (powerlineblog.com) "Two friends of mine comment on the Obama/Biden administration’s bizarre partiality toward Iran. In the New York Post, Glenn Reynolds writes:
Post-[Iran’s] attack [on Israel]— going further yet beyond parody — the Biden administration’s chief effort has been aimed at demanding Israel not retaliate.
That’s right. Israel has had more than a thousand of its citizens raped, tortured, murdered and kidnapped, it’s been subjected to a massive missile attack, and it’s being told to exercise “restraint.”
The Biden administration even organized G7 leaders to demand that Israel not respond.
Is this ineptitude, or is it corruption?
As the girl in the taco commercials says, “Why not both?”
"I would like to see Biden endorse massive retaliation by Israel with a view toward trying to bring about regime change in Iran. But, as I wrote here, I will be satisfied if Biden stays out of Israel’s way. And I assume Israel’s leaders will ignore pro forma calls for “restraint.” I hope so, anyway." . . .
US Government Paid for Iran’s Attack on Israel | The Epoch TimesA good argument can be made that President Barack Obama’s and then President Joe Biden’s relaxation of or disregard for sanctions against Iran that netted the Islamic Republic billions in oil revenue and outright gifts created all the recent mayhem in the Middle East from Hezbollah to Hamas to the Houthis to, now, Iran’s attack on Israel.
"Biden would say, “We didn’t give them those dollars. We gave them different dollars.” And who knows? Democratic Party voters might be dumb enough to buy it." . . .