Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Al Qaeda Praises Left-Wing Protests On College Campuses

 Al Qaeda Praises Left-Wing Protests On College Campuses (

"The terrorist group responsible for the September 11, 2001, attacks on the United States — which resulted in thousands of Americans being killed — praised the left-wing pro-Hamas protesters who have disrupted college campuses over the last two months.

"The protests that erupted in April led to encampments popping up at various top universities across the U.S. as Jewish students and law enforcement were attacked and the protesters called for the destruction of the state of Israel and, in some cases, went further by calling for an “Intifada,” which is a terrorist attacks against Jews or the state of Israel. Professional agitators helped whip up the chaos at many of the schools, according to various law enforcement officials.

"The Islamic terrorist group said in a statement that “every Muslim was happy” with the attacks on Israel that were carried out by “the youth of the Islamic nation.”

“While we support the assassination of the infidel Zionists and the beheading of them, we also appreciate and value the movement of Western demonstrators and sit-in students from Western universities, who through their sit-ins and protests expressed their rejection of the genocide taking place in Gaza,” the terrorist group said.

The Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah, which is based in Lebanon, also praised the protesters earlier this month.

“ 'When the American people take a stand in support of Gaza … we salute and applaud them,” said Hezbollah Deputy Secretary-General Sheikh Naim Qassem. “We appreciate and value this very much. … The [campus protests] are important, especially because they will have an impact on the U.S. elections. They will have an impact on the American position. Even if Biden says that he will not be influenced by this, he will whether he likes it or not. We will see him taking actions because of the protesters’ influence on him.” . . .

Joe Biden gets absolutely obliterated for posting wildly offensive George Floyd remembrance message...

 - Revolver News 

On this day, we should also spare a thought for the good people who lost their lives due to the left-wing riots sparked by George Floyd’s criminal life. Also, let’s not forget the countless businesses and homes wrecked in the name of this felon as well.Joe Biden should be ashamed of himself.

 "Let’s not forget that Memorial Day isn’t the only “holiday” this weekend. Hopefully, y’all have your houses decked out and commemorative cards sent off in time, because May 25th marks the anniversary of St. Floyd’s death. You can bet your sweet bippy that our dear, bumbling leader Joe Biden hasn’t forgotten. Sure, Joe might struggle to remember his own name or string a coherent sentence together, but who cares about such trifles on a solemn day of mourning and remembrance? Nothing, not even an avalanche of cognitive decline, can prevent him from honoring the greatest “civil rights” hero of our time—Mr. George Floyd.

"The moniker really fits. After all, Floyd’s autopsy report revealed a fatal overdose of fentanyl, hardly a shock given his well-documented struggles with addiction.

"In what can only be described as a wildly offensive and out-of-touch display, Joe’s handlers lavished praise on a man infamous for sticking a loaded gun in a pregnant woman’s belly and threatening her life, all while his pals ransacked and robbed her home. No one who’s capable of that type of sickening violence deserves to be glorified or idolized. Period. But Biden is right about one thing. Floyd deserved more; his family should have placed him into drug rehabilitation and anger management to try to turn him into a productive member of society. Instead, they dropped the ball, and he chose to pass counterfeit bills, consume dangerous amounts of drugs, and resist arrest; ultimately, his actions killed him and tore this nation apart.

"Speaking of the fake 20-dollar bill, Floyd was notorious for spreading counterfeit bills, a fact that was completely glossed over. Prosecutors merely shrugged their shoulders, suggesting Floyd should have just been ticketed and sent on his merry way."

Biden’s Covert Plan to Sabotage a Trump Comeback

 Luis Cornelio | Headline USA

“History should judge [Fauci] as a deficient person who made one of the worst decisions in public health history — in the entire history of the world,” Paul said in an interview on WABC 770 AM’s The Cats Roundtable. 

"President Joe Biden is working to block former President Donald Trump from enacting his policies during a potential second term by imposing new regulations at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), according to Politico. 

"“The White House fears Trump could try to advance an ideological agenda at the National Institutes of Health, like the ones he’s suggested on everything from vaccines to diversity policies,” the outlet reported. 

"Biden’s controversial plan involves establishing a council to review what he deems political interference within the federal agency, with Biden official Lyric Jorgenson at the helm of this undemocratic initiative. 

“Interfering and manipulating science to hit a partisan agenda is inappropriate and is what we’re working to wall against,” Jorgenson said, likely indicating a move against potential Trump-led initiatives. 

"Jorgenson, who is also overseeing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), seems to be part of Biden’s broader strategy to control key health agencies. 

“ 'The White House knows Trump could still cast those plans aside but is calculating that doing so will set off alarms with the media, Congress and the public,” Politico noted. “The Biden administration likely hopes GOP lawmakers, even those who think the NIH needs an overhaul, will temper Trump’s moves.” 

"Critics argue this maneuver is a desperate attempt by Biden to cling to power and stifle Trump’s agenda.

The Media Guide to Shooting Joggers

 Ann Coulter (

"Convenience store employees reported Arbery was known as 'the jogger' because he would stretch and pretend to warm up outside the store and then run in and out quickly, stealing stuff. ... The employees said they tried to have police give the man a criminal trespass warning, but he always ran off before they could."

"I did not think I could hate The New York Times more.

"But thanks to Gregory Mantell's amazing new book, "Special Victim Status, The Era of Woke Journalism," I do! Mantell's carefully researched book provides hundreds of new facts about the press's fanatical propaganda on race.

"Coincidentally, this week is the four-year anniversary of George Floyd's death, and I think the traditional gift is paper. You know what would make a great anniversary gift? This book.

"Nothing shocked me more than Chapter 3 on the Ahmaud Arbery case.

"If you follow the news, you know that Arbery was the innocent black jogger chased down by three racist rednecks in Georgia and shot dead merely for "jogging while black."

"Arbery's killers, Travis and Gregory McMichael, were convicted in about six minutes and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Plus 20 years, just to be safe. Eight months later, they got bonus life sentences in separate federal hate crimes prosecutions. A neighbor, William "Roddie" Bryan Jr., who happened to be there, got 35 years (state) plus life (federal).

"Quite a turnabout for a case that three prosecutors refused to take after concluding there was no crime. But our media can perform miracles!

"Mantell contrasts the media's treatment of Arbery's killing with their take on the murder of Christopher Lane, a white jogger shot and killed by a black man in Oklahoma.

The facts about the Israeli airstrike in Rafah and the fire that followed are starting to become clear, and they totally change the story:

 ALL Category Sports

The facts about the Israeli airstrike in Rafah and the fire that followed are starting to become clear, and they totally change the story:

◾️ The Israeli airstrike that targeted senior Hamas commanders in Rafah was more than a mile away from the safe zone for Palestinian civilians and more than 550 feet away from shelters Hamas had falsely claimed were targeted in the incident

◾️ The munitions used were the smallest possible: two warheads of 37 lbs each, far smaller than what other Western militaries use in comparable situations

◾️ The munitions could not themselves have ignited a fire of the size that resulted in the deaths of Palestinian civilians, indicating that Hamas weapons stored in or near the targeted structure—of which the IDF was unaware—may have exploded and caused the fire

◾️ Footage of the scene taken by Palestinians and uploaded to social media platforms appears to show secondary explosions, further indicating the presence of weapons in the area

◾️ A phone call within Gaza intercepted by Israeli intelligence contained the admission that the structure targeted by the airstrike served as an ammunition warehouse, that secondary explosions took place, and that the Israeli airstrike wasn't powerful enough to have ignited the fire

◾️ Hamas has been operating from the area since October 7; a rocket launcher used to fire rockets into Israel was located 150 feet from the targeted structure, suggesting that additional weapons were likely stored nearby and may have caused the fire

While none of this makes the heartbreaking results of the fire any less dreadful, it does call into question a lot of the reporting surrounding this tragic incident, which appears to have been based on false information put out by Hamas, rather than the facts on the ground.

You'd think news organizations would learn.
You'd be wrong.

Justice Merchan gets even sleazier

 Trump, of course, was never told which of the underlying crimes he supposedly committed in the courtroom, so he was not able to defend himself from them, which according to some legal observers violates the equal protection clause.
Michael Hardstark.

Justice Merchan gets even sleazier - Monica Showalter  "New York State Justice Juan Merchan, who is presiding over New York prosecutor Alvin Bragg's trial of President Trump over a bookkeeping issue is getting sleazier now that Bragg's case is starting to fall apart, giving the Red Queen of the Alice In Wonderland story a run for her money.

"At issue now are his instructions to the 12-person jury as it goes into deliberations, telling them that they don't need to agree about what the supposed 'underlying' crime of Donald Trump was that would make his hush money payment to porn "star" Stormy Daniels a felony, which is the legal basis for turning the bookkeeping issue into a 34-count felony. They just need to think that Trump was thinking about commiting a crime when he signed off on the check and what that crime was can be anyone's guess.

"But no matter: Sentence first, verdict later.

"And he started this out with a doozy of bad behavior, going all Eddie Haskell on the jury to begin, as if in a bid to butter them up to do things in his biased way. Normally, juries are praised after they render their verdicts by judges.

"But Merchan is special." . . .

Evidence Shows the 'Random' Judge in the Trump Trial Has Major Conflicts of Interest (    . . ."One cannot help but suspect that the “random selection” at work in the assignment of Acting Justice Merchan, a Democrat Party donor, to these cases involving prominent Republicans, is in fact not random at all," she continued. "The simple answer to why Acting Justice Merchan has been assigned to these cases would seem to be that whoever made the assignment intentionally selected Acting Justice Merchan to handle them to increase the chance that Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, and Steven Bannon would ultimately be convicted."

"I request that both the Commission and the Inspector General investigate this anomaly to determine whether the required random selection process was in fact followed in the assignment of these criminal cases to Acting Justice Merchan. If Acting Justice Merchan or any other Justices of the Court are found to have violated these rules, I would hope that the Commission would subject them to the required discipline. And if any non-judicial employees of the Court are involved in such a scheme, I would hope that the Inspector General subject them to the appropriate sanction," Stefanik said. 

"Throughout the trial Merchan slapped Trump with a number of gag orders while allowing those testifying against him, including convicted felon Michael Cohen, to openly speak about the case. " . . .

REPORT: Secret Service Has Met With Local Jail Officials to Discuss Preparations for President Trump to Go Behind Bars

 The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

As a former president, Trump is entitled to Secret Service protection for the rest of his life, wherever he happens to be. Behind bars, corrections officers would in turn be responsible for protecting those agents assigned to Trump.

A possibly disturbing development has unfolded, leading many to believe the fix is already in for a Trump conviction or imprisonment.

"As Gateway Pundit readers know, corrupt judge Juan Merchan has kept President Trump sidelined for a large chunk of the 2024 Presidential campaign while violating his First Amendment rights.

"Trump has been charged with 34 felony “falsification of business records.” He was penalized for every payment he allegedly made to his former lawyer and pathological liar, Michael Cohen, regarding Cohen paying off Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal.

"The prosecution has not proven Trump committed any of these crimes or even had an affair; he will likely be found guilty anyway, given the rigged jury.

"Now, we learn that Secret Service officials have met with jailhouse officials to prepare for President Trump to go to prison.

"What is possibly even more alarming is that corrections officers will be responsible for protecting agents assigned to Trump. Recall what "This means that Trump being thrown behind bars will put his life at stake, a fever dream for Democrats and Never-Trumpers." . . .

Jim Hoft reported earlier this month that Merchan threatened Trump with prison time after $1,000 fines failed to have any impact.  “I want you to understand that I will (throw you in prison), if necessary and appropriate,” Merchan told Trump.

"A Trump conviction and imprisonment would be incredibly profitable for Merchan’s daughter Loren, who has already raised $93 million off of the case. She previously worked for the Biden-Harris campaign in 2020."

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Part-Time Professor Who Called for Jewish Exile Not Invited Back to University

 The Floridian (

TALLAHASSEE, FL—A part-time college professor will not be allowed back at his university after he called for Jews to "return to exile" in parts of Europe.

Danny Krikorian, a U.S. Government professor at Valencia College in Orlando, proposed the existence of an "Arab Federation" encompassing municipal Arab states, represented by "The flag of the Arab people. The flag of Palestine," he wrote on X. He explained that Jews who live in Muslim areas—Mizrahi Jews—would be granted a "small autonomous municipality" called Judea.

As for other Jewish people? He called for a "sovereign federation" in which non-Mizrahi Jews would "return to exile in Europe. Germany, Russia, Poland, Ukraine & the Caucasus, Azerbaijan, and Georgia."

Rep, Randy Fine stated that Krikorian was "going to have a bad week" after his posts,  and he did, . . ."

The Biden administration staged a shambolic press conference outside the Trump trial, complete with Robert DeNiro

  Andrea Widburg - American Thinker   "There are two times people make really bad mistakes: When they’re over-confident and when they’re desperate. The Biden administration is not over-confident. Desperation is why it dragged out an over-the-hill, minimally coherent, not-very-bright actor to be its spokesman regarding the show trial that Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan have staged in Manhattan to try to sideline Trump’s increasingly successful candidacy.

"The big headline was that Robert De Niro spoke outside the courthouse where the Trump trial was being held. I’ll have more on that in a minute, but the real news should be that it was the Biden administration that organized De Niro’s appearance, along with the appearance of Harry Dunn and Michael Fanone, who worked for the Capitol police on January 6, which their testimony basically described the battling grannies as being akin to what the Marines faced at the Battle of Fallujah.

"If you read articles from Reuters or AFP, all you learn is that DeNiro, Dunn, and Fanone showed up at the courthouse. In fact, it was the Biden administration that organized the event:

. . ."Instead, in the face of Trump’s seemingly unstoppable momentum, the Biden administration embroiled itself directly in this sham criminal trial, and it used a moron as its frontman. In other words, it got dirty and stupid, which pretty much sums up Biden, his presidency, and his campaign. All in all, a good day for Trump, and that’s true no matter what verdict the progressive Democrat jury returns."

. . ."But this was so over-the-top as to simply be useless. And what a stupid mistake on the part of the Biden campaign. More reason why Democratic leaders are probably going to be concerned that he’s the likely nominee of their party." . . .

These people aren’t mad that she spoke at an antisemitic conference with links to a terrorist organization. They’re mad because she dissed Biden.

 Democrats are Not Happy With Tlaib Attacking Biden at Anti-Israel Conference (  "Anti-Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib faces heat from fellow Democrats after she urged Democrats to vote against President Joe Biden because he supports Israel.

"Yes, that’s why these people are mad at her. They’re not ticked that she spoke at an antisemitic event with links to a terrorist group.

"They’re ticked because she dissed Biden.

"Tlaib made the remarks at the People’s Conference for Palestine (PCP), which has links to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a designated foreign terrorist organization.

"It’s not the first time Tlaib has made the remarks. She’s not going to stop." . . .

"Hey Jeffries and the democrat leadership, just so you know Tlaib was never “one of you”. She is just a rabid anti-semite moslem that will do whatever necessary to advance the islamic ideology in the United States.. And if that means encouraging those democrat voters to vote for someone other than the approved democrat candidate she will do it. Being a “democrat” is just a means to an end for her. Nothing more. And she’ll throw you under the bus if necessary."

Obama-Biden Have Been Punishing Israel Since 2013

  Edward Davis - American Thinker  

Obama recently began taking an active role in Biden’s campaign, and for anyone who watches their joint campaign ads, it seems clear which of them is in charge.  Given another term, Biden's policy towards Israel reportedly could get even worse.

"Joe Biden’s vicious betrayal of Israel has surprised and alienated some of his supporters, who thought he was a moderate Democrat.

"In the most recent outrage, his administration sent condolences over the death of Iran’s President Raisi and joined the U.N. in a reverent minute of silence.  In stark contrast, Biden disparaged Prime Minister Netanyahu as “a bad f------ guy and “a-hole” at a time when Israelis were traumatized and fighting for their lives.

"It was predictable, considering that Biden brought back much of the foreign policy team of President Obama, whose backstabbing of the Jewish state foreshadowed Biden's hostile policies.

"Early in 2013, when the U.S. was still in shock over the December 14, 2012 Newtown massacre, the newly re-elected Obama decided that one of his priorities would be to pressure Israel to release scores of convicted killers, among whose victims were children.

"Although political leaders, including presidents, are expected to flip-flop occasionally, this might have been the first administration in history to flip-flop on the issue of the murder of innocents. 

"That same year marked two anniversaries of child slaughter that the Obama administration reacted to in chillingly conflicting ways, apparently based on the victims’ nationality and religion.

"To observe the 50th anniversary of the 1963 firebombing murders of four African-American girls in Birmingham, President Obama solemnly paid tribute to the victims.

"One month later, Israel marked a similar tragic milestone — the 25th anniversary of the firebombing murders of the nine-months-pregnant Rachel Weiss, a 26-year-old second-grade teacher, and her sons — Netanel, 4; Rafael, 2; and Ephraim, 21 months.  Israeli soldier David Delorosa also died in a heroic attempt to save them.  Israel considered imposing the death penalty for the first time since Adolf Eichmann was put to death in 1962.

"Unfortunately, the Weiss brothers did not look like Obama’s own imagined sons, and unfortunately, they, their mother, and the soldier who died trying to save them were citizens of the nation Obama’s mentor Jeremiah Wright referred to as “that dirty word.”  And so, using secretary of state John Kerry as his point man, Obama began pushing for the release of their killers, along with scores of other terrorists convicted of murder or attempted murder." . . .

The Plan to Convict Trump

  John Cleer - American Thinker  

"The underlying charge, then, on which the validity of the case relies, is literally anything, and Bragg's charges only exist in the mind of the juror." 

"At last, we can see Alvin Bragg's underlying criminal theory: he doesn't have one. Bragg and Judge Merchan are running the real trial in the court of public opinion, not to deliver justice but to hurt Trump's presidential campaign by branding him a convicted felon during the election. They seek to do this by lying to the jury -- for example, by pretending to have a criminal theory.

"The prosecution rested their case without specifying the second crime, nor giving a shred of evidence for the first: even if we took Michael Cohen's testimony at face value, ignoring that he's a serial perjurer who confessed to six different felonies on Monday morning alone, his claim that Trump himself ordered the monthly payments that were calculated from Cohen's loan reimbursement demand and deemed them “legal fees” would not constitute a crime.

"That case is dead in the water on appeal, but Merchan's parallel trial, which has little to do with established law and instead runs on innuendo and vagaries, aims for a temporary conviction. In it, Cohen and David Pecker explain election law to a rigged jury while Merchan allows the prosecution to dazzle them with inadmissible evidence and irrelevant, noncriminal details couched in nefarious-sounding terms like “hush money” and “catch and kill,” all the while keeping crucial information like Cohen's SDNY charges and Brad Smith's expert testimony on actual election law from reaching the jury.

"Merchan reneged on his promise to release the jury instructions by Thursday night, apparently to prevent lawyers from picking apart his instructions so jury members don't find out how preposterous they are, because they're going to read the news and talk to friends, family, and co-workers in the week Merchan gave them off.

"That's why he gave them the week off." . . .

JUST IN: GOP Rep. Elise Stefanik Files Misconduct Complaint with New York State Unified Court System Related to "Random" Assignment of Judge Merchan | The Gateway Pundit    "GOP Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY) on Tuesday filed a misconduct complaint with the New York State Unified Court System related to the “random” assignment of far-left radical and conflicted Judge Juan Merchan to Trump’s NYC ‘hush money’ trial.

" 'I just filed an official misconduct complaint with the New York State Unified Court System related to the “random” assignment of Acting Manhattan Justice Juan Merchan, a Biden donor whose daughter is fundraising millions off his unprecedented work, to criminal cases against President Donald J. Trump, his companies, and his allies.” Elise Stefanik said.

"Stefanik is not the only one raising questions about the “random” assignment of crooked Judge Juan Merchan as the judge to oversee the Trump Bragg case." . . .