Tuesday, May 28, 2024

These people aren’t mad that she spoke at an antisemitic conference with links to a terrorist organization. They’re mad because she dissed Biden.

 Democrats are Not Happy With Tlaib Attacking Biden at Anti-Israel Conference (legalinsurrection.com)  "Anti-Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib faces heat from fellow Democrats after she urged Democrats to vote against President Joe Biden because he supports Israel.

"Yes, that’s why these people are mad at her. They’re not ticked that she spoke at an antisemitic event with links to a terrorist group.

"They’re ticked because she dissed Biden.

"Tlaib made the remarks at the People’s Conference for Palestine (PCP), which has links to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a designated foreign terrorist organization.

"It’s not the first time Tlaib has made the remarks. She’s not going to stop." . . .

"Hey Jeffries and the democrat leadership, just so you know Tlaib was never “one of you”. She is just a rabid anti-semite moslem that will do whatever necessary to advance the islamic ideology in the United States.. And if that means encouraging those democrat voters to vote for someone other than the approved democrat candidate she will do it. Being a “democrat” is just a means to an end for her. Nothing more. And she’ll throw you under the bus if necessary."

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