Pleased and surprised, one was inclined to deny respect to the General solely because he was chosen by Biden and part of a Democrat Administration. Being assumed feckless, this is a major surprise. TD
To close this chapter in history, a reelected Trump should charge his Secretary of Defense with convening and concluding a tribunal for these three apex terrorists and others still held at Guantanamo within the first 100 days of his second term. The long-overdue process should end with a short drop from a long rope and the hangman finally rendering justice to the 9/11 terrorists.
"In an order released on Friday night, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin canceled the Biden-Harris administration’s shameful plea deals with 9/11 terrorist masterminds that would have spared them the death penalty.
"Secretary Austin, a former Army general before becoming secretary, reserved the power to reach any such deals to himself. Addressing the bureaucrat in charge of the failed prosecution, he wrote: “Effective immediately, I hereby withdraw your authority in the above-referenced case to enter into a pre-trial agreement and reserve such authority to myself.” He added: “I hereby withdraw from the three pre-trial agreements that you signed on July 31, 2024 in the above-referenced case.”
"Bravo General.
"I say “general” instead of “secretary” as a compliment. In discussing with a retired Navy captain friend whether Austin was forced to make the move as a fall guy for the White House or chose to do so himself, my friend speculated: “Austin woke up this morning and realized he is a United States Army general, and then did the right thing.”
"The move has stopped, temporarily at least, a decision by the Biden-Harris administration to accept a plea deal with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the confessed architect of the 9/11 attacks on the United States, and two high-level accomplices. Instead of the execution the three men deserve, they would have received life sentences.
"Such an act would have been moral degenerate and a symbol of a sick civilization that no longer has confidence in itself or a sense of justice. It would have broken faith with those Americans killed on 9/11 and the tens of thousands more who died or were maimed, physically and mentally, in the war the terrorists started on that day.
"Implausibly, the White House disclaimed responsibility for the plea deal. A spokesman remarked: “The president and the White House played no role in this process.” That strikes me as an outright lie or subterfuge. At a minimum, the White House and National Security Council staff ushered along a process designed to produce that result. More likely, they called the shots while making it appear that others were in charge." . . .