Sunday, August 4, 2024

This nations silliness on display before the world


Todd Schowalter Productions.

Democrats are an embarrassment before the world and a threat to our nation and our allies, especially Israel which is surrounded by nations who hate Jews and want every one killed. Including one or two in the U.S. Congress. TD

The Etch A Sketch Nominee and the Mullahs’ Nightmare   "The Democrats think they will pitch a fast one, less than 100 days before the election, coronating a radical, not very smart candidate as a substitute for a clearly demented president. They plan to avoid any unscripted remarks by her and any interviews or debates. The wisdom of keeping her mouth shut is evident. How long can they hide the Obama-Kerry-Harris close ties with the nuclear-weapon-seeking, terrorist-supporting Islamists of Iran who want nothing more than to destroy America? How long can the press allow Harris to airbrush her very radical political record?" ...
"Almost uniformly, the Western press mourned Haniyeh as a “moderate.’ On October 7, he was filmed watching the slaughter of the innocents and smiling. It reminds us all of the Washington Post’s description of the ISIS leader Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as an “austere Islamic scholar.' ”
. . ."As for the Democrats, their theme of the week was set by Minnesota governor Tim Walz, who called Republicans “weird,” and both their brainwashed base and the legacy media thought this was a nifty theme. It seems to have fallen by the wayside as it became an easy target for derision. The week ended with the Daily Mail revealing that the second gentleman’s first marriage broke up because he impregnated his children’s nanny."

The coming terrorist attacks   . . ."They—Islamist terrorists--posted a small bail and promised to show up for their court date.

Authorities arrested Hasan Yousef Hamdan, 32, and Mohammad Khair Dabous, 18, on May 3 for trespassing after they tried to breach Marine Corps Base Quantico when they approached the gates in a box truck.

"Real terrorist attacks are coming, and we’re ruled by America-hating useful idiots."

Two of whom are pictured here:

Joe & Kamala Border Services out to lunch
  . . ."Yes, she fell short objectively. However, her biggest mistake was not taking the task seriously, an insult I would think to the President who appointed her. The VP never spoke with border governors like our own Governor Greg Abbott of Texas. She took a meaningless trip to look for the root causes when everybody knows that the issue is an open border and lack of enforcement of laws.

"So the VP cannot escape the issue because she made it worse with her lack of respect for Americans impacted by the issue. It's on her and that's no joke, as her boss would say."

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