Thursday, August 15, 2024

Joy Reid panics that Trump might reign in anti-white racism


"The MSNBC’s hot take comes on the heels of her outrageous comments last week when she reacted to Vice President Kamala Harris’s pick of Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate. Reid thought the Democrat would have picked Sen. Mark Kelly who is white, “Super white. Like a mayonnaise sandwich on Wonder Bread white.”

"MSNBC’s resident racist host Joy Reid said the quiet part out loud in a segment that seemed to admit the existence of anti-white racism.

"The host of “The ReidOut” warned that former President Donald Trump and his running mate Sen. J.D. Vance pose a threat to anti-white racism, in a head-scratching rant that seemed to suggest this racism does exist and is actually okay.

"Lacking any sense of self-awareness, Reid delivered a ringing endorsement of the Trump-Vance ticket and didn’t even know it.

"Reid once again falsely tied Trump and Vance to the Project 2025 initiative, the Heritage Foundation’s conservative blueprint for a Republican president. The GOP nominee and his campaign have repeatedly denied any connection to the project and it is not part of the Trump-Vance platform.

"But Reid did not let facts slow her down.

" 'Republicans like Vance and Trump advisor Stephen Miller, who is tangentially connected to Project 2025, have made it a point to block these disbursements,” she claimed. warning they will “nationalize their long-term goal of putting a stop to what they call ‘anti-white racism,’” using air quotes to emphasize.

"This, she claimed was “just another way of saying ‘we’re sick of America being held accountable for actual racism.' ” . . .

How MSNBC’s Leftward Tilt Delivers Ratings, and Complications   “I love this network, but I’ve got to ask: Who’s writing your scripts? Hamas?” asked two days later on “Morning Joe.”

Vance: A real Marine

 Tom McCorkill

"Every Marine a rifleman" is perhaps the Marine Corps' most widely known edict.  It illustrates, in the most simplistic terms, the Corps' desire to infuse into every Marine the fighting spirit and ethos upon which the organization has relied for more than 227 years and continues to do so.  22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit

"I am not sure whether to be amused or insulted by the press coverage of Sen. J.D. Vance’s Marine service. The implication is that because he had a Military Occupation Specialty (MOS) of Combat Correspondent he was not a “warrior.” I spent 28 years in the Air Force and had many contacts with Marines. My brother-in-law was a Marine aircraft maintenance specialist during WW II. He served with “Pappy” Boyington in the Black Sheep Squadron. My son was a Marine intelligence NCO. I have many friends who were Marines.

"The ASVAB test is the standard test used by the U.S. military services to determine a recruit’s aptitudes and abilities.

The ASVAB is a timed, multi-aptitude test, which is given at more than 14,000 schools and Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) nationwide and is developed and maintained by the Defense Department (DoD). 

The ASVAB helps the DoD not just determine whether you are a good fit to join the service, but also which service branch you might be best for and even what military jobs you can hold after you finish basic training or boot camp. The better your ASVAB score, the broader your options.

"The minimum for acceptance in the Marine Corps is an ASVAB score of 50. The requirements for Combat Correspondent is an ASVAB score on the high side of 100. The same is true for the intelligence MOS held by my son. Other specialty fields, other than rifleman, have various ASVAB skill levels. But one thing I know is that every Marine is a rifleman above anything else. Sen. Vance served in a combat zone. His job may have been to record and report on Marine activities and operations but he was still a rifleman in a combat zone where he might have been subjected to potential hostile fire." . . .

The Marine Rifleman's creed

. . ."Before God, I swear this creed. My rifle and myself are the defenders of my country. We are the masters of our enemy. We are the saviors of my life.

So be it, until victory is America’s and there is no enemy, but peace!!

 The men we choose to build Marines.

California Adopts Six Million Children

 American GreatnessThe traditional role of parents has been seized by the government in the Golden State. 

"While the Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion trends seem to be leveling off or even ebbing, the transgender craze is still in full bloom, at least in the very tarnished Golden State."

"On July 15, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB 1955 into state law. This deplorable legislation bars school districts from requiring staff to notify parents if their child decides to change their gender. No other state in the country has passed such a drastic law. In fact, according to the Movement Advancement Project, eight states have already passed laws requiring school districts to inform parents if their children ask to use names or pronouns associated with another gender.

"The haughtily titled “Support Academic Futures and Educators for Today’s Youth (SAFETY) Act” specifically forbids schools from adopting any policies that force them to disclose “any information related to a pupil’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to any other person without the pupil’s consent.”

"In the past, these matters were handled on the local level, but not anymore. Chino Valley Unified, Murrieta Valley Unified, Temecula Valley Unified, Orange Unified, Anderson Union High School District, Rocklin Unified, and Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District were among the school districts that had passed parental notification policies.

"The law is atrocious on so many levels. As mandated reporters, teachers are required to notify the authorities of any suspected child abuse. But this law assumes that the parents of some six million children are abusers, and the state needs to protect their kids from them. AB 1955 replaces parents with school counselors, teachers, and mental health providers.

"Jonathan Keller, president of the California Family Council, summed up the new law, saying, “By allowing schools to withhold vital information from mothers and fathers, this bill undermines their fundamental role and places boys and girls in potential jeopardy. Moms and dads have both a constitutional and divine mandate to guide and protect their kids, and AB 1955 egregiously violates this sacred trust.”

"Thankfully, legal action has been filed opposing the new law. On behalf of the Chino Valley School District, the Liberty Justice Center filed a lawsuit on July 16 challenging the newly enacted legislation. Emily Rae, Senior Counsel at the Liberty Justice Center, explains, “PK-12 minor students, most of whom are too young to drive, vote, or provide medical consent for themselves, are also too young to make life-altering decisions about their expressed gender identity without their parents’ knowledge. But that is precisely what AB 1955 enables—with potentially devastating consequences for children too young to fully comprehend them.' ”. . .

Larry Sand, a retired 28-year classroom teacher, is the president of the non-profit California Teachers Empowerment Network – a non-partisan, non-political group dedicated to providing teachers and the general public with reliable and balanced information about professional affiliations and positions on educational issues. The views presented here are strictly his own.

Adam Carolla Exposes Gavin Newsom and California's Political Facade!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Stuck Waiting At a Stoplight? Here’s How to Let the Sensor Know

 The Family Handyman

"Stoplights, also known as traffic signals, function through a combination of timers, sensors and control systems. At intersections, they regulate the flow of vehicles and pedestrians. 
"Traffic lights cycle through colors: red, yellow, and green. Red indicates stop, yellow warns of an upcoming change, and green signals go-ahead. However, in some countries you might see a blue traffic light instead of green.

"Traditional stoplights employ induction loops buried under the road to detect vehicles waiting at the intersection. When a vehicle is detected, the light timing adjusts to allow sufficient crossing time.

"Proper communication with a stoplight triggers its response so you and everyone else can get through the intersection safely. Here are some ways to effectively let a stoplight know you're there:

  • Vehicle positioning: When approaching a stoplight, pull up to the designated stop line or, if there isn't one, wait behind the crosswalk. This lets the stoplight's sensors or cameras recognize your vehicle and respond accordingly. But if you're too far away, the sensors might not detect you at all. Make sure your vehicle is within the detection zone.
  • Wait for the green light: Honking, flashing headlights or revving your engine won't influence the stoplight's response. Modern traffic lights operate on predetermined cycles or rely on sensors to detect vehicle presence. You can't bully the light into changing for you.
  • Motorcycles and bicycles: Smaller vehicles might have difficulty triggering traditional vehicle sensors. In such cases, some jurisdictions implemented special markings or smaller induction loops to cater to these vehicles.
  • Infrared sensors: Some intersections use infrared sensors instead of induction loops. These sensors detect heat, so a warm engine can help the stoplight detect you. If your vehicle has been idling for a while, chances are the sensor will register its presence.
  • Report malfunctioning lights: If you believe a stoplight isn't detecting vehicles properly, report the issue to the relevant city, state or county officials. Malfunctioning traffic signals can lead to traffic congestion and safety hazards.

Taliban celebrate 3 years since Afghanistan takeover with military show


"The Taliban, which says it respects rights in line with its interpretation of Islamic law, has also stopped most Afghan female staff from working with aid agencies, closed beauty salons, barred women from parks and curtailed their travel in the absence of any male guardian." Al Jazeera

Great outfits! Where'd you get them?

. . ."The Taliban’s armed forces towed Soviet-era tanks and artillery pieces through the former US air base in Bagram, where Chinese and Iranian diplomats were among hundreds who gathered for the parade and speeches.

"The former Bagram base once served as the linchpin for US-led operations against the Taliban for two decades.

"A swarm of motorbikes strapped with yellow jerry cans, often used to carry homemade bombs during the fight against international forces, also rumbled past assembled officials.

"There were US-made armoured personnel carriers, the black-and-white flag of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan — the Taliban government’s formal name for the country — fluttering above them.

"Helicopters and fighter aircraft flew over the base, where Taliban fighters were once imprisoned, about 40 kilometres (25 miles) north of Kabul." . . .

We need a Republican-Donald Trump! - in the White House - immediately - yesterday! - to save what Democrats have done to the West. TD

James Woods Fans

Caroline Glick: A powder keg, courtesy of Washington   . . ."The Palestinians understand two key truths. First, the only unified foreign policy the European Union has is delegitimization of Israel. Second, for the Biden administration and Democrats as a whole, there is no difference between foreign policy and domestic policy. The administration is supportive of Iran and the Palestinians because Biden and his advisers apply the same identity politics to their foreign policy as they do to their domestic policy.

"Identity politics hold that the United States was born in sin and systemically racist. To cleanse its soul, America must adopt a two-tier system of governance in which members of recognized “victim” groups are given extraordinary rights and members of recognized “oppressor” groups must be punished. And just as America is morally infirm and must mend its evil ways, so its allies—particularly Israel—must be similarly punished and forced to transform themselves.

"Biden gave voice to this position in his speech before Congress last week. There he presented a portrait of the United States as an inherently racist state. This racism, he claimed, was preserved and enforced by the law enforcement system, which suffers from “systemic racism.” Police reform laws that he and his fellow Democrats intend to promulgate, he said, will remedy the situation." . . . Written during the previous presidential election and yet Biden still won. TD

'Death to America' rapidly emerging as key slogan of anti-Israel agitators in US ( 

What has Joe Biden and his Democrat administration wrought? To wit:

My trip to Afghanistan, 1.5 years after the Taliban takeover - Hannah Neumann

"The Taliban claim to have won the war, they are in power and they do not use this power responsibly, to say the least. Poverty is rising drastically, so is the number of child marriages agreed to by children’s parents out of desperation. Girls are no longer allowed to go to secondary school or university, the curriculum for boy’s schools starting grade 4 is replaced with religious teaching. Ever new draconian rules and decrees make it difficult for women to exercise their jobs in all professions; in some fields, they are even banned from going to work. A growing number of decrees clearly are aimed at making women disappear from public life and relegating them to the private sphere and to activities that are stereotypically associated with women, such as household chores. This system can and should be described as Gender Apartheid. And it is difficult to imagine how the Taliban envision a country to prosper where most boys are raised with next to no knowledge outside of radical religious teachings and where girls are treated as second-class citizens deprived of secondary education. Suicide rates – where we have facts – are rising; many Afghans still want to leave the country. The Afghanistan of the Taliban is a ticking time bomb and we, the international community, can and should not look away only because there are no easy answers.

"At the same time, life continues in Afghanistan and men and women put their lives at risk to make ends meet and support women and girls in all parts of the country." ...   

"There's a figure of about 2800 women who were working in Afghanistan's media before the withdrawal. Now there's only 250 of them really earning a living" German MEP

travelled to Afghanistan & met with women struggling since the Taliban takeover #WorldPressFreedomDay Video

A Campaign Of ‘Joy’? Lets make Kamala's cackle a feature instead of a bug! Call it JOY!

 I & I Editorial Board  

Brancotoon added by TD

"The Democratic talking points were issued and the media enthusiastically accommodated: The Harris-Walz campaign is now a moveable feast of joy. But there’s nothing even remotely joyful about Kamala Harris’ and Tim Walz’s political orientation. Their positions are founded on militancy and just plain meanness.

"The media are nothing but shills for the Democratic Party. They are so willing to please that they will run with whatever theme the party tells them to. Take a look at recent headlines. 

" 'Harris Used to Worry About Laughing. Now Joy Is Fueling Her Campaign,” says the New York Times.

“Harris is pushing joy,” according to the Associated Press’ surely unbiased reporting.

"The British Guardian swears that the “Democrats’ joy is unconfined,” while ABC News wants Americans to know that “early Harris-Walz rallies feature big crowds, talk of ‘joy.’”

"National Public Radio says “Harris and Walz reintroduce joy,” as the Washington Post declares that “​​Harris and Walz seize on joyful message in contrast to darker Trump themes.” And from Salon’s perspective, “Vibes matter: Trump can hardly restrain his jealousy over the Harris campaign’s joy.”

"And on it goes. The media should be deeply embarrassed about their we-worship-Kamala cheerleading, their eagerness to please the Democrats and follow their orders, which evidently include conveniently forgetting that Harris is a nasty, abusive boss who runs a toxic office.

"But they’re not. With rare exception, the “journalists” of the last three decades have been nothing more than courtiers for the party of the left.

"If they weren’t, they’d press the Harris-Walz axis about its:" . . .

Support for censorship. “A Harris-Walz administration would be a nightmare for free speech,”  George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley wrote last week in The Hill. “For over three years, the Biden-Harris administration has sustained an unrelenting attack on the freedom of speech, from supporting a massive censorship system (described by a federal court as an ‘Orwellian Ministry of Truth‘) to funding blacklisting operations targeting groups and individuals with opposing views.”

The Washington Examiner notes that even before she ran for president, “Harris already had a well-established history of using government power to silence voices she does not like.” 

Censors are not happy people. They are spiteful and perpetually discontented.

Kamala Harris’ laugh is the ‘biggest, destructive, negative force’ in American politics ever

California Sheriff Blasts Harris For Using His Image in ‘Misleading’ Campaign Ad, Says He Supports Trump

 Debra Heine 

"The truth is, Harris never cared about the cartels and did nothing to stop people from illegally crossing the border,” Boudreaux said. The sheriff made note of Harris’ haughty attitude during the 2014 visit." . . .

"California sheriff is slamming Kamala Harris over her ‘misleading’ political ad that fraudulently touted her border security record while using his image without permission.

"The video features Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux and other local and state law enforcement officers flanking then Attorney General Harris during her visit to the Central Valley in 2014.

" 'In light of a recent political ad put out by Kamala Harris featuring Sheriff Boudreaux, as well as other local law enforcement, the Sheriff wants to make it abundantly clear that his image is being used without his permission, and he does NOT endorse Harris for President or any other political office,” the sheriff said in a statement issued to Fox News Digital.

"Boudreaux has spent 37 years in the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office and is currently president of the California State Sheriffs’ Association.

" 'As a matter of fact, I would like to point out the misleading information projected in that same political ad. In the ad, Harris claims to have spent decades fighting violent crime as a ‘border state prosecutor,’” Boudreaux stated.

"The ad claims: “As a border state prosecutor, she took on drug cartels and jailed gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across the border.”  Harris’ campaign ad also dubiously states that she will “hire thousands more border agents and crack down on fentanyl and human trafficking.”

"Boudreaux and other law enforcement officials in Southern California were outraged that Harris would take credit for fighting crime at the border when she allegedly only “undercut” their efforts.". . .

Sadly this is behind a paywall: Kamala’s Media Bodyguards  "Her record on crime and immigration is abysmal but the media won't admit it." 

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered.

Don't expect MSNBC to tell you details on this; Joy Reid will call the article racist right out of the "Jim Crow" handbook. It's what she does. TD 

The Woke 2024 Olympics: Where Men Were Allowed to Punch Women

 Dennis Prager   Women who devoted their lives to the grueling sport of boxing and the goal of one day winning an Olympic gold medal were cheated out of the possibility. 

"Former President Donald Trump said essentially the same thing. Vice President Kamala Harris has thus far said nothing."

"This past weekend, two biologically male boxers won gold medals in women’s boxing at the Paris Olympics. On Friday, Imane Khelif of Algeria won the gold medal in the women’s welterweight division. On Saturday, Lin Yu-Ting of Taiwan won the gold medal in the women’s featherweight division.

"As reported by Boxing News, the oldest boxing publication in the world:

" 'Khelif has documented male XY chromosomes. Khelif—along with Lin Yu-Ting, of Taiwan—was banned from boxing at the world championships last year, this because of the fact that Khelif, and Yu-Ting, was proven to be biological male.”

"Why did the International Olympic Committee allow biological men to box women?

"The reason is that the IOC is a woke organization. And given that the Olympics took place in a particularly woke locale—Paris—the games featured almost everything that the word “woke” represents.

The games opened with a drag queen mockery of Christianity.

Due to farm animals’ alleged impact on climate, 60% of the Olympic athletes’ food was vegan (not even vegetarian). According to The Australian, the Australian government flew in “more than 700 kilograms of eggs and a ton of extra meat” to feed Australian athletes.

Also to combat climate change, athletes’ dorms were not allowed to have air conditioning. They were to be cooled, in the words of The Washington Post, “by other cooling methods.” But few countries relied on “other cooling methods,” so they shipped in portable air conditioning units—all of which ended up doing what many green policies do: increasing the “carbon footprint.”

And true to its wokeness, the IOC forced women boxers to fight biological males. The IOC allowed male boxers to fight women despite the males having been previously banned from women’s boxing by the International Boxing Association ...

How 'Neighborly': Video Shows Police Pelting Minnesotans With Paintballs for Sitting on a Porch

America under today's Democrats

 Twitchy   "It feels like Tim Walz has been Kamala Harris's running mate for about 900 torturous years. It's almost shocking to look back and realize that the selection happened just over a week ago. Maybe the reason for that has been that, in that week, we have been subjected to an onslaught of relentless propaganda about Walz from the legacy media. He 'reads moderate,' he's 'neighborly,' he's 'folksy,' he wears flannel shirts, and -- this is the really creepy one -- he's like Democrats' 'daddy.'

"All nonsense. All lies. He is one of the farthest-left politicians in America, as far left as Harris, and just as creepy. 

"But maybe another reason it feels like it's been an eternity is that, in this same week, roughly 8,749 (approximate number) scandals surrounding Walz have surfaced, each more damning than the last. The COVID snitch line, the arson during the George Floyd riots, the creepy legislation around children and pedophiles, and of course, that one time Walz ran away from his National Guard unit before they deployed to Iraq and then lied about his service for two decades.". . .

But the pressing issue in Minnesota was not covid, but the George Floyd riots:

The post claims that law enforcement personnel are using paintball guns in light of a curfew surrounding COVID-19. However, the use of the National Guard in this video was in response to protests related to George Floyd within the city. 

Sizing up the candidates before MSNBC and CNN do

 The more inept the candidate, the more youthful the voices in their crowds. TD

Trump's winning strategy; Remember the lesson of McCain and Romney: If he won’t fight for himself, don’t expect him to fight for you. Donald Trump is not built that way. He fights.   . . ."This says a lot about where the Democrat Party is. Its vetters saw nothing wrong with Walz supporting trannies, lying about his military career, 30 visits to Red China and embracing a Hitler-loving radical sheikh. (OK, he’s an imam, not a sheikh.)" . . . 

The Independent reported "Donald Trump is set to sue the US Department of Justice for $100m in damages over the 2022 raid on his Mar-a-Lago estate less than a month after his classified documents case was overturned, according to a memo from his lawyers." . . .


"Kamala Harris doesn’t have any policies are her campaign website because her policies have destroyed the country over the last 3.5 years.

"This is why she stole Trump’s highly popular ‘no tax on tips’ idea.

"TIME Magazine shamelessly decoupled Harris from Joe Biden: “The reintroduction of Kamala Harris”. . .

CBS News Attacked Donald Trump’s ‘No Tax on Tips’ Proposal — Until Kamala Harris Copied Him   . . ."Notably, Harris is facing heavy backlash for copying the campaign promise, which Trump first announced, during her campaign rally on Saturday.

"Social media users reacted to the vice president’s remark with the hashtag #CopyCatKamala, pointing out that Trump had been campaigning on eliminating taxes on tips for months.

"To make matters worse, Harris voted in 2022 to pass legislation to allow the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to track down workers’ tips so that they could be taxed." . . .

Bubble Girl; Hermetically Sealed Harris

. . ."When Kamala threatened to attend the ABC News debate even without Trump, I laughed myself silly. Does anyone believe that this woman could spend 90 minutes speaking without a script? I hope she goes through with it if for no other reason than to hand the Trump campaign tons of embarrassing video clips."

Kamala Harris Campaign Caught Red-Handed Faking Press Headlines to Spread Disinformation


There is no doubt in my mind that this would be a major scandal if the Trump campaign were involved. Could you imagine the screams of "disinformation" and threatened lawsuits from press organizations? 

"The Kamala Harris campaign has been editing press headlines and putting the fake versions in ads as a way to spread disinformation. That's according to a new report that found multiple instances of Google ads being manipulated without the consent of the various news organizations linked to the false headlines."

The Harris campaign has been editing news headlines and descriptions within Google search ads that make it appear as if the Guardian, Reuters, CBS News and other major publishers are on her side, Axios has found. 

Why it matters: It's a common practice in the commercial advertising world that doesn't violate Google's policies, but the ads mimic real news results from Search closely enough that they have news outlets caught off guard. 

  • According to Google's ad transparency center, the Trump campaign isn't running these types of ads, but this technique has been used by campaigns before.
  • The ads say that they are sponsored, but it's not immediately clear that the text that accompanies real news links is written by the campaigns and not by the media publication itself.

"In true Axios fashion, the outlet tries to downplay what's occurring, calling it a "common practice in commercial advertising." I'm skeptical that's true. While it may be more common in a non-political context, I've never seen this happen in the political world. That's not to say that some ads haven't taken headlines out of context, but to actually change them and then stick them on Google as if they were real seems like a bridge too far. Yes, there's the "Sponsored" tag attached, but that doesn't immediately indicate to the average user they are fake." . . .