Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How 'Neighborly': Video Shows Police Pelting Minnesotans With Paintballs for Sitting on a Porch

America under today's Democrats

 Twitchy   "It feels like Tim Walz has been Kamala Harris's running mate for about 900 torturous years. It's almost shocking to look back and realize that the selection happened just over a week ago. Maybe the reason for that has been that, in that week, we have been subjected to an onslaught of relentless propaganda about Walz from the legacy media. He 'reads moderate,' he's 'neighborly,' he's 'folksy,' he wears flannel shirts, and -- this is the really creepy one -- he's like Democrats' 'daddy.'

"All nonsense. All lies. He is one of the farthest-left politicians in America, as far left as Harris, and just as creepy. 

"But maybe another reason it feels like it's been an eternity is that, in this same week, roughly 8,749 (approximate number) scandals surrounding Walz have surfaced, each more damning than the last. The COVID snitch line, the arson during the George Floyd riots, the creepy legislation around children and pedophiles, and of course, that one time Walz ran away from his National Guard unit before they deployed to Iraq and then lied about his service for two decades.". . .

But the pressing issue in Minnesota was not covid, but the George Floyd riots:

The post claims that law enforcement personnel are using paintball guns in light of a curfew surrounding COVID-19. However, the use of the National Guard in this video was in response to protests related to George Floyd within the city. 

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