Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Andrew Yang Update: From Biden to Gabbard, here’s what Harris’ past debates show before a faceoff with Trump

"Que Mala!" means "How Bad!"

RealityBites by Broc Smith

Election 2024: Here's what Harris' past debates show before a faceoff with Trump | AP News  A former San Francisco district attorney and California attorney general, Harris has long presented her debating prowess as a strength, and her sharp questioning of opponents has produced many a career highlight. But she has also had testy exchanges that didn’t play as well." . . .
. . ."Gabbard said Harris “put over 1,500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when she was asked if she ever smoked marijuana.” With the audience roaring, Gabbard further accused Harris of having “blocked evidence that would have freed an innocent man from death row until the courts forced her to do so.”
"Gabbard now says she was surprised that Harris’ record hadn’t been more carefully scrutinized during the primary. She said she uncovered the issues she raised not with opposition research, but by using Google.
" 'I was surprised at how unprepared she was to respond to them. Just from, you know, I would imagine that you’d prepare before going into a debate,” Gabbard said in an interview. “And also that she made no attempt to deny them or frankly justify them, if she was proud of those decisions.” . . .

Harris acknowledges Biden had a 'slow start' in debate and tries to calm Democratic fears | AP News  . . ."As she acknowledged Biden’s uneven performance, Harris emphasized the substance of Trump’s remarks during the 90-minute debate, including his refusal to condemn the rioters who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as well as his unwillingness to emphatically commit to accepting the results of this November’s election.
“ 'Last night clarified the stakes of this election,” Harris said.
"Her event in Las Vegas and her television interviews after Biden’s debate were apparent efforts to calm Democratic panic. Hours earlier in Raleigh, North Carolina, Biden appeared to acknowledge the criticism of his performance, saying ”I don’t debate as well as I used to.' ” . . .

'Terrified' Kamala Harris Accused of Seeking Debate Rule Changes Out of Fear of Facing Donald Trump - EconoTimes  
The controversy underscores the high stakes of this election, where every move is scrutinized, and every decision could have far-reaching consequences. For now, the focus is on whether Harris will confront Trump under the traditional debate rules or whether her campaign will succeed in negotiating the modifications they are reportedly seeking.

Harris Campaign’s Cheap New Debate Gambit Reveals Its Fears | National Review    . . .“Debates don’t matter . . . unless someone faceplants.” Of course, back then, the first debate may well have mattered significantly: Donald Trump didn’t exactly faceplant, but — because he was suffering from an as-yet-undisclosed bout of Covid himself, one that put Chris Christie, his unlucky debate-prep partner, in the hospital and nearly in his grave — he gave a disastrously interrupting, impatient performance that night. ' . . .

UPDATE: Andrew Yang: What I Learned After Debating Kamala Harris 5 Times | Opinion (msn.com) 

 . . ."So, what would I say about Harris as a debater? She gets high marks for poise and being able to recall and deliver messages. She prefers to use notes, which makes sense given her legal background—she used the time before the moderators got started to reproduce notes on the notepaper we were given. (Note: I did the exact same thing.) She certainly has the stamina for a 90-minute debate. She'll expect hostility from Trump, and I expect her to be steady and strong. She was taken by surprise by Tulsi Gabbard's pointed and persistent attacks four years ago but there will be no surprise here. Outside of the primaries, she debated former Vice President Mike Pence four years ago, and I thought that she was clear and composed throughout." . . .

New Titanic photos show shipwreck decay, fallen deck railing

  AP News  

The crew spent 20 days at the site and returned to Providence, Rhode Island, on Aug. 9. They captured more than 2 million of the highest resolution pictures of the site ever to exist, the company said.

"A bronze statue from the Titanic — not seen in decades and feared to be lost for good — is among the discoveries made by the company with salvage rights to the wreck site on its first expedition there in many years.

"RMS Titanic Inc., a Georgia-based company that holds the legal rights to the 112-year-old wreck, has completed its first trip since 2010 and released images from the expedition on Monday. The pictures show a site that continues to change more than a century later.

"The trip to the remote corner of the North Atlantic Ocean where the Titanic sank happened as the U.S. Coast Guard investigates the June 2023 implosion of the Titan, an experimental submersible owned by a different company. The Titan submersible disaster killed all five people on board, including Paul-Henri Nargeolet, who was director of underwater research for RMS Titanic.

"The findings from this summer’s trip “showcase a bittersweet mix of preservation and loss,” RMS Titanic said in a statement. A highlight was the rediscovery of the statue “Diana of Versaille,” last seen in 1986, and the statue now has a clear and updated image, the company said." . . .

Democrats; the evil that America and Israel must both fear

Israel faces its own divisions on these questions; an American leader determined to be a true ally wouldn’t be stirring the pot purely to serve his own domestic political aims. But, plainly, that’s not how Biden or Harris rolls. 


. . ."But the wrinkle was Kerry voting to fund the war that a few years later he was against, saying “I actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it.”

To commemorate Kerry’s flip-flops, one could purchase an actual pair of flip-flops. A pair is on display at the National Museum of American History. Soon, Kamala Harris flip-flops will be available for use during the last days of summer." . . .

Democrats Have Made It Clear: They Will Be Tyrants If Given the Chance   ..."Biden wasn’t the only recent Democrat president to have his actions rejected by the Court for overreach. Before him, Barack Obama had his amnesty for illegal aliens struck down by the Court. Obama’s placement of three new members of the  National Labor Relations Board without Senatorial confirmation was struck down, too. 

"Democrats are unhappy that their attempts to plow through the Constitution’s guardrails have been blocked by a Court whose majority is composed of men and women determined to keep the Constitution in place.

"Democrats now seek to turn their despair into joy by changing the Court – or, failing that, by pressuring the Court, as Franklin Roosevelt did. 

"Following his announcement that he was no longer a candidate for reelection, Biden proposed a series of reforms to the Court, including an 18-year term limit on the justices and a measure that would have instituted the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justice every other year, so that each president’s term would have brought with it as a spoil of campaign victory the right to name two new justices to the Court." . . .

AF Branco

Terrorist Flags Wave in NYC as Anti-Israel Protesters March in Support of Hamas – RedState 
"From the water to the water, Palestine is Arab," protesters chanted during the march.
 . . ."In one clip, a pro-Hamas protester sitting in a car can be heard saying that Israeli American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who was recently murdered by terrorists after being kidnapped on October 7, deserved his fate. The individual also claimed Israel killed Goldberg-Polin, not Hamas."

"In a speech, Nerdeen Kiswani, leader of the anti-Israel group "Within Our Lifetime” said “Calling for a ceasefire is not enough” and argued that “If you stand with Palestinians, you stand with Palestinian resistance.”

"Many of the pro-Hamas protests have been taking place on university campuses with activists calling for schools to divest from Israel. However, others have taken to the streets in major cities as well." 

How Do You Negotiate—With Evil?

 How Do You Negotiate—With Evil? – RedState

. . ."I watched as Fox News reporter Trey Yingst described an unfolding attack against Israel, apparently by the terrorist group Hamas. I (incredulously) reported on it that night, and myriad times in the months following, and even though I was appalled by the slaughter, I was not prepared for the true evil that it turned out unfolded on that day.

"Babies killed. Women raped. Innocents assassinated in cold blood. Hundreds of young people enjoying their lives brutally massacred at a music festival. It could have been my kids. It could have been yours.

"The images haunt me to this day. As more and more information was revealed showing the true depravity of the Hamas assailants, it became clear to me that there was only one word for what we witnessed: evil

"Actually, make it three words: pure, unadulterated evil." . . .

Kamala Harris Eviscerated for Response to American Hostage Murdered In Gaza; Jeff Charles – RedState 

  1. Several users pilloried Harris, arguing that such a move would only benefit the terrorist organization while not holding it accountable for the murders it has committed.

 . . ."President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other officials issued statements on Sunday condemning the murder of Goldberg-Polin, affirming its stances against terrorism.

The vice president in a post on X announced that she met with the hostage deal negotiation team with Biden and declared that while “Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes,” it is “long past time for a ceasefire and hostage deal.”

Isn't a ceasefire what we gave the Taliban? "Has anyone ever defined “ceasefire?” Are both sides required to participate or can one side continue to wage war while the other ceases firing? Is it necessary for both sides to agree? It’s very confusing."  Larry Kahn, who added:

 Zionism is the idea that an oppressed people has the right to have its own state in its ancestral homeland.

 Hamas vows to kill hostages at 'risk' of rescue, and Biden ups his presure on Israel (nypost.com)  . . ."We doubt Biden or Kamala Harris is willing to send in US forces to do the job, so slamming Bibi as the prez did is tantamount to saying that Israel must give Hamas a lifeline to get the remaining hostages freed.

"Maybe that’s what Israel should do, but Washington pushing Jerusalem to bend is pretty rank — especially when Biden’s motive is fundamentally selfish: He wants a ceasefire in place to cement his own legacy, and to boost Harris’ chances in November.

" 'And this is after Harris-Biden pushed Israel to hold off on operations that could’ve freed hostages weeks or months ago.

"Especially when Hamas now brags it’ll kill hostages rather than let them be rescued."

Hamas Made Slain Hostages Record Videos Before Their Deaths

Hamas Made Slain Hostages Record Videos Before Their Deaths – RedState    "The barbarians known as Hamas are not only killing hostages, but they are now taunting the families of those hostages by releasing videos of the slain taken prior to their deaths. The terror organization is also promising more to come." . . .

From the network that gave us Jim Acosta:

 Is CNN Serious With This Headline About the American Murdered by Hamas? (townhall.com) "CNN is working hard to avoid creating trouble for the Democratic Party over Israel’s justified war in Gaza. Hordes of Arab Americans are furious with the Biden-Harris policy in the region; they’ve given the vice president the moniker ‘Killer Kamala.’ In a race that will be decided by razor-thin margins, these folks staying home could create issues for the Harris campaign in Michigan and Minnesota. Hence, why we have weak sauce and inaccurate headlines like this regarding the gruesome discovery made by Israeli forces over the weekend: the bodies of six hostages were found, including American Hersh Goldberg-Polin. 

"Yet, the network framed his death as if he died in a car accident: “Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin has died, his family says in a statement…
Hamas Muslims did this horrible act and received no condemnation from the left; Hamas should, because of what they did, get everything they wanted! TD

 Three of the six whose bodies were recovered had been expected to be released during the first phase of an eventual ceasefire agreement, two Israeli officials have told CNN. 

 Even with this news, Biden-Harris continue to blame Netanyahu. Bet Harris come out more forcefully against Israel in order to placate the Pro-Hamas voters.

"And now they are threatening to release those videos to torture the families even more."

Aviva Klompas
Hamas filmed each hostage before they executed them. They terrorized and brutalized Hersh, Eden, Carmel, Alex, Ori and Almog until their last moment of life. Hamas is pure evil. And there is no reasoning or negotiating with evil.

Las Vegas Teen Converts to Islam, and Guess What He Did Next

 Robert Spencer – PJ Media  

Around that time, Robles was proudly posting online about his enthusiasm for his newfound faith: “Peace by [sic] upon all brothers who see this,” he wrote. “I am here to announce that I will be starting lone wolf operations in Las Vegas against the enemies of Allah.” When police raided his home, they found “components they said could be used to make an explosive device.”

"What’s the deal with converts to Islam?

"Last April, a teenager in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, named Alexander Scott Mercurio was caught plotting jihad massacres in local churches, “using weapons, including knives, firearms, and fire.” On New Year’s Eve in 2022, a 19-year-old named Trevor Bickford traveled from his home in Wells, Maine, to Times Square, where he attacked three NYPD officers with a machete. In April 2021, a Zion, Illinois, man named Edward Schimenti got thirteen and a half years in prison for aiding the Islamic State (ISIS).

"These are just three men who are on a long and ever-lengthening list of converts to Islam who turn to terrorism, even in the United States, and are largely ignored by the establishment media. As everyone knows or should know by now, the media is interested only in shoring up its narrative, not in reporting actual facts. Now another young man has joined their ranks. 

"Las Vegas’ KLAS reported Thursday that Joshua Robles, 16, has been “accused of plotting an ISIS-inspired terror attack.” After Robles was arrested last November, prosecutors considered him to be so dangerous that they asked that his bail be set at a million dollars; Las Vegas Justice Court Pro Temp Judge Lauren Diefenbach, however, instead decided to set it at $10,000, “adding should Robles post bail, he would be placed on house arrest with electronic monitoring.” Oh. That’ll fix everything." . . .

. . ."Prosecutors explained that Robles’ “radicalization to violent extremist has developed over several years and continues despite his detention status.” That’s no surprise, since America’s prison system, like every other institution in the country, is committed to the proposition that Islam is entirely peaceful and benign. Nothing whatsoever is done to disabuse young men like Robles of their jihadist sentiments; instead, such inmates are given Qur’ans and allowed to pray regularly with other Muslim inmates. Authorities think this will help them discover the true, peaceful Islam. Instead, it all too often breeds more hardened jihadis."

Monday, September 2, 2024

Heroic Acosta vs. 'Why Won't Ateba Stop Shouting?'

 NewsBusters Podcast: Heroic Acosta vs. 'Why Won't Ateba Stop Shouting?' 

Sean Spicer said everything we would have said about Acosta: "I think he's gone well beyond the role of reporter and steered into the role of advocate. He's the prime example of a [reporter in a] competitive, YouTube, click-driven industry," Spicer added. "He's recognized that if you make a spectacle on the air then you'll get more airtime and more clicks.... If I were a mainstream, veteran reporter, I'd be advocating for him to knock it off. It's hurting the profession." Bingo. 

"The New York Times and The Washington Post really demonstrated a double standard this month on confrontational White House reporters. CNN's screaming Jim Acosta was a heroic screamer in the briefing room, while screaming African reporter Simon Ateba should sit down and shut up.

"Managing editor Curtis Houck -- our chronicler and video-tweeter of the White House Briefing  -- joins the show to talk about press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and the White House Correspondents Assocation taking a very hostile pose toward Ateba. \

"Check out the contrast. The New York Times Editorial Board, November of 2018:

Let Jim Acosta Do His Job  The CNN correspondent had every right to aggressively question the president. His White House pass should be restored. 

"They also ran a Mark Landler analysis headlined “Even for This President, It Was a Remarkable Week of Attacks on American Institutions.”

The Times this week, July 26: 

Why Won’t Simon Ateba Stop Shouting? The Today News Africa gadfly has become a hero on the right, thanks to his confrontational behavior in the White House briefing room.

"Joseph Bernstein, who’s not one of their media reporters, underlined Ateba received a two-page letter from the White House. 

"What had Ateba done to deserve such an admonishment? There was a list of his misbehavior. He had "interrupted the press secretary" and "did not stop interrupting" other reporters. Bernstein added "If Mr. Ateba did not stop interrupting, the letter concluded, he might be barred from the briefing room altogether. For the past year and a half, that cramped, 49-seat theater at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue has been the main stage for the Simon Ateba show..."

"Then there's The Washington Post, July 8, media reporter Paul Farhi: 

"Simon Ateba, the reporter making himself the story at the White House" . . .

Kamala Harris Faces Awkward Rafah Questions After Israeli Hostage Murders


BREAKING: Autopsies found the 6 hostages were shot multiple times at close range within the last 3 days, indicating executions. These 6 human beings likely spent their final moments watching their fellow hostages be executed until it was their turn. Hamas’ evil has ZERO bounds.

 "Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris is facing awkward questions from critics after the bodies of the six Israeli hostages were recovered overnight Sunday from a tunnel in the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

"When Israel was looking to invade Rafah earlier this year, saying it was a stronghold of Hamas militants and a haven for hostage takers, it encountered fierce opposition in the White House.

"In March, Biden told MSNBC's Jonathan Capehart that a major Israeli operation in Rafah would be a "red line" for him, and the president suggested that the move could lead to a cut-off of some offensive weapons. Harris told ABC News in March, "We have been clear in multiple conversations and in every way that any major military operation in Rafah would be a huge mistake. Let me tell you something, I have been studying the maps." She also said that she would not rule out "consequences" if Israel pushed forward.

Newsweek emailed the Harris campaign Sunday night for comment. This article will be updated with any provided statements." . . .

"But I think we should note that these hostages were discovered in the tunnels under Rafah. That's where Joe Biden and Kamala Harris put pressure on Israel not to enter for months, using arms embargo to try to keep them from entering," he said. "Kamala Harris even said that Israel shouldn't enter Rafah because she had 'studied the maps.'"

"Cotten continued, "What the Biden-Harris administration should've done from the beginning is not pressure Israel to restrain its response but let Israel win from the very outset. For 11 months, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have put more pressure on Israel than they've put on Hamas and Iran and Iran's other terror proxies." . . .

. . ." He was tortured and murdered by Hamas, fellas—this isn’t hard. Twitter’s community notes dragged the post by CNN, clarifying what really happened to this young man. And, of course, the lede includes swipes at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:

Israel’s military said it has recovered the bodies of six hostages killed by Hamas militants in Gaza – including an Israeli-American captive – dealing fresh heartbreak to relatives who fear time is running out for loved ones seized by the militants more than 10 months ago.

Israeli soldiers found the six bodies in tunnels under the enclave, according to the military. The hostages were “brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists, a short while before we reached them,” Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said in a briefing Sunday. 

 Tim Walz Stands there and listens to the full question, then waves and leaves.

Is CNN Serious With This Headline About the American Murdered by Hamas?

 Matt Vespa (townhall.com)   "CNN is working hard to avoid creating trouble for the Democratic Party over Israel’s justified war in Gaza. Hordes of Arab Americans are furious with the Biden-Harris policy in the region; they’ve given the vice president the moniker ‘Killer Kamala.’ In a race that will be decided by razor-thin margins, these folks staying home could create issues for the Harris campaign in Michigan and Minnesota. Hence, why we have weak sauce and 

inaccurate headlines like this regarding the gruesome discovery made by Israeli forces over the weekend: the bodies of six hostages were found, including American Hersh Goldberg-Polin. 

"My people!"
  "Yet, the network framed his death as if he died in a car accident: “Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin has died, his family says in a statement…” . . .
. . ."He was tortured and murdered by Hamas, fellas—this isn’t hard. Twitter’s community notes dragged the post by CNN, clarifying what really happened to this young man. And, of course, the lede includes swipes at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu:
  "Israel’s military said it has recovered the bodies of six hostages killed by Hamas militants in Gaza – including an Israeli-American captive – dealing fresh heartbreak to relatives who fear time is running out for loved ones seized by the militants more than 10 months ago.
"Israeli soldiers found the six bodies in tunnels under the enclave, according to the military. The hostages were “brutally murdered by Hamas terrorists, a short while before we reached them,” Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said in a briefing Sunday." . . .