Monday, April 12, 2010

America Under Barack Obama; An Interview with Nat Hentoff

Rutherford Institute "Obama has little, if any, principles except to aggrandize and make himself more and more important. You see that in his foreign policy. Obama lacks a backbone—both a constitutional backbone and a personal backbone. This is a man who is causing us and will cause us a great deal of harm constitutionally and personally. I say personally because I am 84 years old, and this is the first administration that has scared me in terms of my lifespan."

TEA Party crashers site This is what happens when the Obamites cannot compete in the arena of ideas. Follow this site regularly if you want to keep up with what the anti-TEA Party activists are doing.
"To put it simply, these idiots are taking handfuls of people who oppose the tea party, putting out press releases about their silly efforts, and it gets our base all worked up and bent out of shape. Because of this, the mainstream media piles on and makes it sound as if these thugs are going to burn down the entire movement!"

Time to Change the Rules of Engagement

American Thinker  "Taking their cue from Hollywood, the ruling leftist elites deliberately view and project conservatives through a lens that distorts reality, and turns us all into one of several ridiculously simplistic and/or insultingly stereotypical caricatures. Here are just a few of their favorites:
"1. Old, white, fat cat, cigar chomping, alligator boot-wearing Capitalist robber barons-----
 2. Bible thumping, fundamentalist, white, Christian, whacko Jesus freaks-----
 3. Ignorant, inbred, racist, morbidly obese, white, middle-American Wal-Mart patrons-----
 4. War-mongering, gun-toting, white, neo-Nazi, Fascists-----
"The desired effect is to evoke imagery of social pariahs -- political lepers, so to speak."  Evan Mackey

Obama Supported Filibuster of Alito

Human Events "When Obama says his nominee will be “someone who, like Justice Stevens, knows that in a democracy powerful interests must not be allowed to drown out the voices of ordinary citizens,” don’t forget it was liberals Stevens, Kennedy, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer who decided against the property rights of “ordinary citizens” in Kelo vs. City of New London." Connie Hair.

Obama is No Reagan on Nuclear Strategy

Heritage "Reagan’s first priority was to build up U.S. conventional forces and introduce missile defense. That allowed his negotiators to approach arms control agreements from a position of strength. President Obama has done the exact opposite. He has cut our national defense,"...

Our American Catharsis; Will Obama-time be a transitory experience or an enduring tragedy?

Victor Davis Hanson "In sum, for years the loud Right warned Americans about what could happen should they vote for a genuine leftist. We mostly did not believe their canned horror stories. But now the country has got what it unwittingly voted for — and at last we have evolved beyond the rhetoric and entered into the real liberal world of the way things must be." A must-read.

Understanding Illegitimacy ; Teen pregnancy isn’t the story. The demise of marriage is.

National Review "The steady growth of childbearing by single women and the general collapse of marriage, especially among the poor, lie at the heart of the mushrooming welfare state". Robert Rector

The VAT is not a FAIR Tax

Warning Signs "The Value-Added Tax is a European idea and it just feeds billions to any government that imposes it. It is not a Fair tax that is an across-the-board tax on consumption whether you are rich or poor. A Fair tax could eliminate the income tax and still fund the government's needs. A VAT just gives government more money to waste." Alan Caruba.

Rick Perry on GOP’s direction, and his own plans

Hot Air "Perry emphasized the need to keep competition between the states as laboratories for policy. “States that have good polices … those are going to be the states that people are going to move to,” Perry says, and points out that Texas is among the fastest-growing states for good reasons. “That’s the place where there’s more liberty, more freedom, than any other state.” "

Obama's upside down foreign policy in Kyrgyzstan

Rick Moran in AT: "Anyone see a pattern here? The US fails to embrace the Iranian reformers, favoring the mullahs instead. We have also been nearly silent as Hugo Chavez has cracked down on dissent even further, arresting independent media leaders and opposition figures. From the Americas to the steppes of Asia, this administration has utterly failed to back the forces of reform - even, as in Kyrgyzstan, where vital American interests are at stake."

Tea Parties targeted by the Dems' Alinsky Attack Machine

American Thinker " This is all part of the Alinsky Attack Machine tactic of pretending that the Tea Party movement is racially motivated, when it has nothing to do with race. Lloyd Marcus has addressed this on American Thinker. 'Tea Parties are a reaction to the Left's seizure of power through excessive spending in Washington.' "

Absence of key U.S. allies at summit amplifies doubts about Obama’s foreign policy

Daily Caller " “It is a curious state of affairs when relations with our major democratic allies are all wobbly at once,” said Michael Green, a former foreign policy adviser to President George W. Bush, who also listed Japan and South Korea as traditional allies whose relationships with the U.S. have frayed under Obama." Via Infidel Bloggers Alliance.