Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Gary Varvel, World Magazine

Iran Admits It Could Pull Nuke Trigger on US, Israel

Infidel Bloggers Alliance  "For the first time since the expansion of Iran’s nuclear program was exposed in 2002, the Iranian government is dropping the pretense that it is developing nuclear technology purely for peaceful purposes. Iran has developed nuclear war plans to deter U.S. and Israeli aggression and retaliate against it, a top adviser to Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi announced in a strategic analysis."

Obama-Clinton ticket 'on the table,' Woodward says

CNN  "The scenario – whereby Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would switch positions - has been bandied about by political observers for months, seen by some as a potentially savvy strategy to gin up excitement among what appears to be a depressed Democratic base."
Hat tip to: Astute Blogger

Growing percentages of Americans have described the Democratic Party as “unfriendly” toward religion.

Jennifer Rubin  "As with so many other disappointed voters, faith-based voters, it is fair to conclude, were misled by candidate Obama, who has turned out to be, as his critics predicted, a run-of-the-mill leftist."

Media Needs to Start Grilling Dems about Weekend’s Communist Hate Rally in Washington

Big Journalism  "For the last year and a half the left and their activist old media have tried to dump on the Tea Party movement, hoping beyond hope they would find evidence of racism, sexism, Nazism, or any type of -ism that they could use to disparage and discredit Americans who love liberty.
"They never found it. They had to focus in on a guy legally carrying a gun at a rally in Phoenix and that was a story for a week. There have also been stories of leftists infiltrating Tea Parties to try to give the media ammo to use against the movement. The left kept firing blanks.
"Now, we have actual proof of the Communist/Democrat/Socialist Party holding a rally on the steps of the Washington Monument."....

"Now, 21 years later, the Hammer and Sickle has found new life on American soil and within the Democrat Party."

Trucks Encircle ABC, CBS, NBC, Challenge ‘Liberal’ Media to ‘Tell The Truth’

CNS News   "Four billboard trucks bearing the message “Stop the Liberal Bias, Tell the Truth!” began circling the Manhattan headquarters of ABC, CBS, NBC, and the New York Times on Friday."

Hollywood and the Democrats

Viacom shills for Obama   "Now, he gets help by Viacom (whose properites include left wing CBS)  which is giving him and the Democrats one hour of free advertising on their youth-focused channels."
 Ed Lasky.

MSNBC finally, publicly embraces the suck  "Does this mean that Obama will now single out MSNBC too as a network with a "point of view" rather than a media outlet that is "objective?" If he rails against Fox, Obama must now also criticize MSNBC, right?
"Don't hold your breath." Rick Moran

The Sharron Angle sting operation

Thomas Lifson "All signs point to a set-up of Sharron Angle in the recently released secret recording of a private conversation she had with Scott Ashjian, the SAenate(sic) candidate of the "Tea Party of Nevada" - an organization that was created out of thin air, and which has the appearance of being created to siphon votes away froim Angle, thereby benefitting Harry Reid."...

Nevada's largest newspaper endorses Sharron Angle  "Harry Reid's appeal lies with his presumed influence and ability to deliver the goods. But the paper identifies him as a water boy for Obama's failed policies and refutes the notion that Angle is an extremist."

Breaking: In Wake of Taping, Ashjian’s ‘Tea Party of Nevada’ Chairman to Resign, Endorse Angle  "There was no “Tea Party of Nevada” until Ashjian created it and the media relished the novelty. He has never been to a Tea Party event and has not been endorsed by any Tea Party out there so the left loves that he could help give Reid six more years in the U.S. Senate by people mistakenly voting for the “Tea Party” candidate. Speculation has it that Reid is behind Ashjian’s candidacy, but that has not been proven. All Ashjian can do in this race is save Harry Reid. Certainly nobody with any real Tea Party affiliation would ever want that to happen."  Via Big Journalism

Who Rules the Tea Party?

Armstrong Williams  "So-called experts claim the tea party only affects Republicans, but that’s an incomplete assertion. Throughout the country we are seeing Democratic candidates run away from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and their party to tout their independence and fiscal responsibility. When was the last time you saw so many politicians run away from their greatest “achievements?”
"If the tea party and its message are so trite, why are officials on both sides privately telling me this is the best thing to happen to the parties in a long time? Simple — because it’s forcing candidates to finally start listening."

Tea Party activists invoke spirit of 1773  from the U.K. Guardian :  "We didn't storm the [Federal Reserve], we didn't start throwing valuable things into the water, because we have a decided appreciation for the value of goods. But we do honour our nation's founding fathers, and we do honour a system that for 200 years has shown that humans excel when they are left to their own devices. I don't know how you argue with 200 years of history."

Good Riddance to the Pelosi Era

National Review "Not that Nancy Pelosi deserves kid gloves — far from it. She, more even than President Obama, is the spirit of the age in which we live. It is her legislation, her attitudes, and her legacy on which we will vote a month from now. Her effect on the nation has been enormous. And while it’s doubtful that even Moses could defeat her in California’s 8th district (maybe especially not Moses), her record deserves the right kind of scorn, not a cartoon."

October surprise season

Thomas Sowell  "In an election year, this is the time for an "October surprise"-- some sensational, and usually irrelevant, revelation to distract the voters from serious issues. This year, there are October surprises from coast to coast. There are a lot of incumbents who don't want to discuss serious issues-- especially their own track records."

Speak Up on D.C. Schools, Mr. President

WSJ  "That deafening roar you hear—that's the sound of Barack Obama's silence on the future of school reform in the District of Columbia. And if he doesn't break it soon, he may become the first president in two decades to have left Washington's children with fewer chances for a good school than when he started."