Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Sharron Angle sting operation

Thomas Lifson "All signs point to a set-up of Sharron Angle in the recently released secret recording of a private conversation she had with Scott Ashjian, the SAenate(sic) candidate of the "Tea Party of Nevada" - an organization that was created out of thin air, and which has the appearance of being created to siphon votes away froim Angle, thereby benefitting Harry Reid."...

Nevada's largest newspaper endorses Sharron Angle  "Harry Reid's appeal lies with his presumed influence and ability to deliver the goods. But the paper identifies him as a water boy for Obama's failed policies and refutes the notion that Angle is an extremist."

Breaking: In Wake of Taping, Ashjian’s ‘Tea Party of Nevada’ Chairman to Resign, Endorse Angle  "There was no “Tea Party of Nevada” until Ashjian created it and the media relished the novelty. He has never been to a Tea Party event and has not been endorsed by any Tea Party out there so the left loves that he could help give Reid six more years in the U.S. Senate by people mistakenly voting for the “Tea Party” candidate. Speculation has it that Reid is behind Ashjian’s candidacy, but that has not been proven. All Ashjian can do in this race is save Harry Reid. Certainly nobody with any real Tea Party affiliation would ever want that to happen."  Via Big Journalism

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