"Poor Kathleen Sebelius. She just can’t get a break. When she offered $30,000 in prizes for Obamacare videos, is this what she had in mind?"
Western Free Press
Western Free Press
It's dangerous. It's very dangerous. I believe, Mr. President, we are at one of the most dangerous points in our history right now. Every bit as dangerous as the break-up of the Union before the Civil War.
NBC News Launches “Ready or Not, the New Healthcare Law,” a Multi-Screen Experience to Help Americans Get the Most Out of the Affordable Care Act
Dr. Nancy Snyderman Answers Most Pressing Questions Across Social and Via New Video Series #AskDrNancy
Interactive Tools and Resources Help Audience Navigate New Healthcare Benefits and Marketplaces"The NBC release says it will help explain how to enroll in Obamacare, a service no doubt to President Obama who has himself been barnstorming the country to try to boost enrollment in the program. "....
One thing we know about Jesus: He believed in helping the poor, feeding the masses, and free healthcare for all. Republicans who claim to be Christians should take note."Got that Christian Republicans? Jesus believed in free healthcare for all. Argument settled. I wonder how Jesus would have felt about abortion?"....
This reminds me of the air-crew of that Air-France Airbus-300 that got hijacked to Entebbe by Communist (East-German) and Moslem (“Palestinian”) terrorists: they equally ALL insisted on staying with the Jewish captives, who were facing death at the hands of those terrorist-captors and/or Idi Amin Dada’s troops (fellow-Moslems!) – and sharing their fate!!!
"World leaders are very negative about Obama," he said. They are "disappointed, feeling he's not really in charge. . . . The Western Europeans don't pay that much attention to him anymore."