Liberals are "chickifying" the NFL, why not the Marines as well?
Fox News; Pentagon "A change to the Marine Corps' uniform hats could leave hard-nosed Leathernecks looking a lot less macho.
"According to the New York Post, President Obama's plan to create a "unisex" look for the Corps has officials on the verge of swapping out the Marines' iconic caps with a new hat that some have derided as so "girly" that they would make the French blush.
" 'We don't even have enough funding to buy bullets, and the DoD is pushing to spend $8 million on covers that look like women's hats!" one senior Marine source fumed to The Post. "The Marines deserve better. It makes them look ridiculous.' "
NY Post article.
“The Marine Corps is being ‘encouraged’ by DoD to standardize on a unisex/universal dress and service cap,” Marine brass noted in an internal memo obtained by The Post.
"As a Marine veteran who knows how these changes actually happen, I can tell you the story is 100% B.S. The bottom line: The President doesn't involve himself in what troops happen to be wearing.
"But just to make sure, I called Headquarters Marine Corps and a spokesperson confirmed that the process for making changes to Marine uniforms hasn't changed since I last left the service in 2010."
"The President in no way, shape, or form directed the Marine Corps to change our uniform cover," said Capt. Maureen Krebs, a spokesperson for the Marine Corps. "We're looking for a new cover for our female Marines for the primary reason that the former manufacturer went out of business. The Marine Corps has zero intention of changing the male cover."
"If there's someone to blame about a change in a uniform, the buck would stop at Marine Commandant Gen. James Amos, who has the final say."
The fact that hordes of us are willing to believe such things may show our gullibility, but it reveals much more the low opinion so many have of Barack Obama as a commander-in-chief.
If for political reasons he should want a more politically correct uniform, he certainly has the power to make that happen. We have seen many occasions where Obama has used our military as pawns and for photo ops, the most distasteful to me being the photo of him saluting coffins of fallen soldiers after he was first elected.
This story may be untrue, but it would fit the pattern we have come to expect of Bill Ayres' ally and other Democrats who speak of their loathing for the military, pictured here with Mr. Obama. The Tunnel Dweller
Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA.