David Horowitz Interview: We Are at War ... "His first book is now available and it is a book people need to read. I read it yesterday and it clarified who and what Barack Obama is for me. I will no longer say he is incompetent. He is probably the most competent president we have had. He is succeeding in destroying traditional America.
"David Horowitz has published the first book in a series of ten which are aimed at educating conservatives about progressivism and the forces of evil that have been poisoning our culture, our schools, and our government for the last forty years."
israelhayom2 Turks arrested at Auschwitz for alleged Nazi salute "A man and a woman, tourists, both 22, took pictures of each other in front of the gate to the former Nazi death camp under one of the most recognizable signs of the Holocaust, “Arbeit macht frei,” or work will free you, raising their right hands as if performing the Nazi salute. " May we assume these people had no problem seeing the bodies of the murdered Fogel family in Israel?
North Korean leader's uncle 'executed over corruption' This man and his wife are said to have been the power behind the throne in NK, and have kept the country unstable for years. Is this all a good thing or not?
... "As news of the purge emerged earlier this week, South Korean President Park Geun-hye warned the North was "carrying out a reign of terror" to reinforce Mr Kim's position.
"She said the volatile relationship between the two countries was likely to become "more unstable" as a result."
"After sending a letter of protest last month signed by 40 major media outlets, at today’s White House Press Briefing with Obama lackey Jay Carney, the press corps went on the attack.