Voice of Lillpop "Through no fault of his own, Darren Wilson, former police officer with the Ferguson, Missouri police department, has seen his name besmirched, his career disrupted, and his future all but ruined .
"He was the police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teen, Michael Brown, last August in an incident that resulted in Wilson being ridiculed and persecuted by millions of Americans, including the president of the United States, Attorney General Eric Holder, and race-baiting profiteers like Al Sharpton, for simply doing his job.
"Wilson was portrayed by the biased media as an evil police officer who, without provocation, wiped out a black life for no reason except racism.
"Egged on by mainstream media, protesters demanded that Wilson be charged with murder and prosecuted accordingly, notwithstanding his acquittal of wrong doing by a properly constituted grand jury.
"Based on apparently false testimony by people who hate police officers, especially white ones, angry mobs took to the streets in Ferguson to protest the Grand Jury decision. Ferguson became a rallying point for those who wish to perpetuate the myth that racism is rampant throughout America and that “people of color” are still enslaved by ignorance and bigotry on the part of Caucasian police and law authorities.
"Attorney General Eric Holder personally added to the smoldering flames of suspicion and resentment by announcing that federal civil rights investigations would be conducted, implying that officials in Missouri were too steeped in bigotry to be trusted.
"Five months after the tragic death of Michael Brown and the denigration of the police and Grand Jury System, Eric Holder’s Justice Department has completed its investigation.
"The result: No civil rights charges against Darren Wilson!"
But the images remain: