iOWTreport "Obama has just signed a new law that gives HUD the power over local zoning boards so that section 8 housing can be forced into white upscale neighborhoods.
"Obama’s theory is that inner city blacks are “the way they are” because they don’t live in nice houses in nice neighborhoods.
"Is Obama aware that an inner city black disparages another inner city black by telling them that they are “acting white”? Does Obama think that section 8 dwellers are going to embrace the white experience out in the suburbs? I don’t think so. I think they are going to export to the suburbs what they manufacture in the ghettoes.
"I’ve lived through this. My hometown of Yonkers, NY (a suburb of NYC) was one of the landmark desegregation cases in America. Yonkers was sued for gerrymandering district lines to keep blacks from achieving political power. When they lost the case the settlement was to put low-income housing in “white neighborhoods.' ” . . .