Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Hillary, CNN, and the interview

Hillary Speaks
"So Keilar had an agenda to preserve her credibility in the face of open doubts, while Hillary had her own agenda. I think that on the surface, both women achieved their goals, but left conservatives a tell.
. . .
And John Nolte of Breitbart incisively analyzed Hillary’s goals:
The entire interview was scripted to do 8 very important things:
  1. Allow Hillary to pretend she’s answered “all the scandal questions.”
  2. Humanize Hillary.
  3. Keep the Trump story alive. [Note: she was “disappointed” with Trump a pitch perfect put down - TL]
  4. Bloody Republicans.
  5. Not mention Benghazi.
  6. No unexpected questions Hillary wasn’t ready for.
  7. Put no pressure on Hillary.
  8. Not trip Hillary up.
Number 8 is the most important. At all times Hillary must look in control and in command, while Republicans are made to feckless and on defense.
. . .

Here is the full interview for you to judge:

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