WSJ "Foundation for Defense of Democracies Executive Director Mark Dubowitz on the country’s first elections since signing the nuclear deal. Photo credit: Getty Images."
Opinion Journal: A Telling Iran Vote
Opinion Journal: A Telling Iran Vote
Drudge |
In the final analysis, Trump’s rise in America and the rise of the populists in Europe is yet another indication of the West’s growing identity crisis fueled by its economic, social, military and cultural weakness. Israel needs to read the writing on the wall and act appropriately lest we become a casualty of that identity crisis.
I was only half listening when Donald Trump came into the spin room on CNN to explain why he’s been audited every year for twelve years.
“I’m always audited by the IRS, which I think is very unfair — I don’t know, maybe because of religion, maybe because of something else . . .
I personally can’t wait to see the Trump Student Center and Hall of Greatness at Liberty University.) . . .
Rev. Al Sharpton told attendees at a Center for American Progress Action Fund event Thursday he would flee the country if Donald Trump won the election, in order to avoid being deported by Trump.Sharpton, a Democrat, had positive feedback for many of the Republican presidential candidates until he got to Trump.“If Donald Trump is the nominee, I’m open to support anyone [else], while I’m also reserving my ticket to get out of here if he wins, only because he’d probably have me deported anyway,” Sharpton told attendees, who responded in laughter.Sharpton, who has participated in various national protests condemning police brutality, did not explain why he thinks Trump would deport him, though both New Yorkers have publicly shared their differences of opinion on various issues.
PS: The other thing to take away from this is that you should not think that I didn’t enjoy watching Ted Cruz staple every corrupt Democrat for the last forty years (there were a lot of age jokes at Trump’s expense, and he mostly missed them) to Donald Trump’s forehead. If you’re a Cruz supporter, he did a great job today. I just love that watch.