Saturday, February 27, 2016

UPDATED Sunday evening: Watch The Moment Bill Clinton Totally Loses It Over 1 Question These Protesters Ask About Hillary

UPDATE:  Video exclusive: Marine booted from Clinton rally pours his heart out after event in emotional interview
. . . "He praised the police officers who removed him and shared his contempt for the former secretary of state who had no regard for the lives of his brothers.
"The man, who identified himself only as a Marine Sergeant, explained to freelance travel journalist T.J. Champitto of why he was so animated when he asked former president Bill Clinton to answer for his wife’s incompetence.
“ 'Benghazi was a direct result of failed performance of Hillary Clinton,” the Marine who said he served for five years in an infantry unit and three years training recruits on Parris Island, told Champitto. “She failed to perform. Not only that but she lied about it and she tried to cover it up.
Now back to the original post:
“Hillary lied over four coffins!” a woman in the crowd yelled out. “She lied and she lied to those families, so all those families are liars? I want to know. Did she lie?”
Western Journalism   "The man who as president parried questions about his affair with Monica Lewinsky with style and a smile was driven to distraction Friday when hecklers insisted his wife lied about the 2012 attacks on the American compound in Benghazi, Libya. Four Americans died in the attacks.
"Former President Bill Clinton was leading a rally in Bluffton, S.C., Friday, when a man who said he was a veteran complained about the Veterans Administration. Then the subject changed." . . .

"The man said he had seen Gold Star families “who have mourned.” He then added, “We had four lives in Benghazi killed and your wife tried to cover it up.”

'SNL's' Kate McKinnon on Hillary Clinton: 'I just love her so dearly'
McKinnon said, "The impersonations always come from a place of love. I refuse to do it otherwise.' "    How tender.

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