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Mike Adams "Dear Professors Meinhold, Members of the UNCW Faculty Senate Steering Committee:
"I am in receipt of your brief 69word statement, which was sent on November 23 rd , 2016 to the entire faculty, staff, and student population at the University of North Carolina – Wilmington. The statement, which was made in response to a recent free speech controversy, is problematic for a number of reasons.
"Let me begin by saying that I respect many of the members of the Faculty Senate Steering Committee. That is why I am so disappointed with your brief statement, which is predicated on a misapprehension of facts, wrought with political bias, and lacking in logic cohesion. I begin my critique by recapitulating your brief statement:
"The Faculty of the University of North Carolina Wilmington are committed to creating a positive learning environment for students to pursue academic excellence.
"Public remarks by professors about a student’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, age, disability, political afiliation, or sexual orientation are inconsistent with our values. Stephen Meinhold Professor of Political Science
"The problems that flow from your statement are numerous. I will stick with five:"
And those five are:. . .