Hot Air "If you happen to be in Washington DC, New York City or a few other major metropolitan areas today you may find some of your favorite restaurants and watering holes closed. No, it’s not a national holiday that you forgot about which is causing either the doors to be closed or the facilities to be on reduced service schedules. Activists who oppose the president have started yet another online “movement” in an attempt to disrupt normal services. In a highly dishonest and misleading campaign,
they have declared today to be “a day without immigrants.” (New York Times)" . . .
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"I have yet to meet a single person among the ranks of conservatives concerned about border security who is opposed to legal immigration or fails to value the contributions of those who come to our country following well-defined rules to make a new life."
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"The truly nauseating portion of this is the fact that the entire concept is an insult to those who followed the rules, came to America and made a new life for themselves. This so-called protest is encouraging them to lose a day’s pay on behalf of those who refused to follow the rules and continue to break the laws set forth under the Constitution which naturalized citizens have sworn to defend." . . .
And if all that were not enough. there will be this:
Women’s March calls for General Strike and Day Without A Women
Jezebel, however, is really excited, noting that there is no date on the calendar yet, though some activists are focusing on March 8:"
[a] women’s strike on March 8 that would be positioned “against male violence and in defense of reproductive rights” ….
Stay tuned, comrades!