"When the Fox News Channel’s Shepard Smith hung up on French politician and media analyst Philippe Karsenty during live coverage of the Notre Dame Cathedral blaze, authorities already were speculating the catastrophe that gripped the world was caused by an accident."
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"Karsenty told WND he was “shocked” when Smith abruptly ended the interview.
“ 'I just wanted to put it in context,” he said, referring to the surge of attacks on churches. “And then I said, nevertheless, the media are lecturing us an hour after it started, saying it can only be unintentional.
“ 'I didn’t say it was a terrorist attack. I didn’t say it was criminal,” Karsenty recalled to WND.
"The French media analyst said he couldn’t have imagined such censorship “would happen in the United States.”
“ 'I thought I was with the free-media outlet in the land of freedom. And then I was cut off.”
"Karsenty, 52, is the founder of the French media watchdog Media-Ratings and a councilor of the city of Neuilly-sur-Seine, a suburb of Paris." . . .