Analyzing America via Chicks On The Right "Adam Schiff, leading the House Intelligence Committee Chairman has brushed off GOP criticism that his blundering push for impeachment leaves his ignoring major pieces of legislation and his own constituents in California.
"Eerily enough, Schiff was pushing the same argument on Joe Rogan, when he first ran for Congress, against James Rogan.
"“I think impeachment for most people in this district is only the most graphic illustration of an incumbent who has put the national partisan, ideological fights ahead of representing his district,” Schiff, said back when he was a California state senator.
"Schiff made that argument during an interview with NBC, in regard to Rogan’s role in the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, adding “People want to decide this on the basis of who’s going to serve our community.”
“Jim Rogan is in trouble for reasons that have nothing to do with impeachment,” Schiff told the Boston Globe in 1999. “I think a lot of people are unhappy that Jim Rogan has ignored the district for five years.”
"During an interview with the Associated Press he noted that Rogan’s constituents were “relegated to a lower-tier priority compared to the national, partisan agenda.' ” . . .