Friday, December 13, 2019

Conservatives can't stand by anymore as the Left destroys America

Toon added by TD
Richard Jack Rail  . . . "I fully anticipate Idiot Left readers attributing to me things I haven't said and calling me a fascist, a white supremacist, a Nazi, etc.  This happens any time somebody says something sensible anymore.  We've lived with these fools getting their way for 50 years, and the time's fast coming when America will rip itself apart if reasonable people don't stand up to injustice masquerading as social justice.

"I don't know how legally to keep the Idiot Left out of office, but slow-motion disaster follows wherever such people run things.  They're so worried about offending the few that they lose concern for the many.  Well, we the many are the ones who make the world work.  If they push us out altogether, the structure collapses, and then the leeches and parasites have no one to pick at, pick on, or pick over.
"We religious ones have definite ideas about where all this is headed, but we don't know when the end's going to come, and we're concerned in the meantime about our progeny.  Our only weapons are prayer and unified action — action at the voting booth to ensure that voting procedures are followed, in the legislatures to head off idiotic legislation, in the schools to confront distortions about America and U.S. history, in the media to ensure that resisting voices are heard against the cacophony of leftist spin, in the streets to confront the bullying tactics of Antifa and others, in Washington to take on the Lying Left where its insidious effects have the greatest reach." . . .

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