Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Horrific Video Shows Afghan Man Stuck In Wheel Well Of A Rescue Plane In Flight…

  Weasel Zippers

"I’m not linking the video. You know where to find it. Here’s a still."

Fear for the women of Afghanistan

 Malala: I Fear for My Afghan Sisters   "In the last two decades, millions of Afghan women and girls received an education. Now the future they were promised is dangerously close to slipping away. The Taliban — who until losing power 20 years ago barred nearly all girls and women from attending school and doled out harsh punishment to those who defied them — are back in control. Like many women, I fear for my Afghan sisters." . . . Malala Yousafzai

Taliban kill woman not wearing burqa after vowing to honor 'women's rights' (

Afghan Woman Killed For Not Wearing Burqa… | Weasel Zippers

 . . . "And in Kabul, Taliban vehicles packed with armed militants were recorded on video patrolling residential areas for activists and government workers. Gunshots can be heard as they accelerate down the street.

"Longtime Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid held his first news conference Tuesday to state that the extremist group would honor women’s rights — within sharia law. He also claimed that amnesty would be offered to Afghans who had worked for the country’s defunct, U.S.-backed government" . . .

China vows to 'crush' any US troops on Taiwan 'by force' and conducts live fire naval exercises in South China Sea after Biden abandoned Afghanistan

A representative of Chinese state media mocked the U.S.’s withdrawal from Afghanistan, saying the Taliban takeover was smoother than the presidential transition earlier this year

 Free Republic   
"China today threatened to ‘crush’ any US troops stationed on Taiwan as it conducts live fire drills in the South China Sea after Joe Biden abandoned Afghanistan

"An editorial in the regime-backed Global Times lashed out at a since-deleted tweet by Senator John Cornyn which erroneously stated there were 30,000 American soldiers stationed in Taiwan.

"The bombastic propaganda article said that if Sen. Cornyn’s claim was true this ‘is equivalent to a military invasion and occupation of the Taiwan Province of China. It is an act of declaring war on the People’s Republic of China.’

"It added that China would ‘destroy and expel US troops in Taiwan by any means and realize reunification by force.’

"Backing up this fiery rhetoric, Beijing dispatched warships and fighter jets for drills off Taiwan on Tuesday in its latest show of strength to Washington.  

"Although China is the dominant power in east Asia, many of its neighbours like Taiwan and Japan look to the US as their closest military partner. Beijing, therefore, revels in anything which undermines Washington’s credibility. 

"Chinese state media pumped out the images of desperate Afghans flooding Kabul airport in an effort to flee on Monday as a sign of the chaos prompted by the US retreat.". . .

Have the Chinese considered this about their enemy?

The Wolves Have Returned: The Day Biden Lost the Media

  The American Spectator   "Mark August 15 as the day that Joe Biden lost the media. Nine months after the election, they have stopped carrying the president’s water.

" 'CNN’s Jake Tapper was the first crack in the dam.

"Tapper brought on Secretary of State Antony Blinken and stared in seeming horror as Blinken deflected questions and repeatedly said the U.S. accomplished what it came to do in Afghanistan.

"Tapper refused to accept the party line and hung Biden, the man the media desperately tried to convince the public was the saner, more civilized solution to Trump, out to dry on his Sunday show.

" 'President Biden ordered 2,500 servicemen out [of Afghanistan] and now is sending up to 5,000 service members back in,” Tapper said. “Does that not on its face show that the exit was ineptly planned? And again, look you told me again a few months ago on this program that you thought it was entirely likely that the Taliban would be taking over the country . . . but President Biden just last month said ‘the likelihood there’s going to be the Taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely. . . .’ He was wrong.”

"It may seem ill-conceived to give Tapper or any other media elite too much of a pass for one shining moment of what some might describe as “doing their job” — but perhaps the grace period between Biden and the press is over.

"Politico reported: “President Joe Biden long touted his foreign policy credentials as a core asset he’d bring to the oval office. And once he was in the White House, he proudly proclaimed ‘America is Back’ on the world stage. Instead, chaos and confusion dominated his first major foreign policy decision.”. . .

How does one know if Joe's actions result from his mental decline or a product of his personal character? This also prompts the question regarding the character of Democrat voters that produce national figures such as Maxine Waters, the "squad", Eric Swalwell, Adam Schiff, Washington and Oregon's governors (to name just two), and, well, you can name many more plus the nameless masked black-clad arsonists in America's streets. The Tunnel Dweller

Back in 1987 then Senator Joe Biden was forced out of the Presidential race after being humiliated by the media for plagiarism. The mainstream media used to do it’s job back in the day, versus simply protecting all Democrats at all costs. Watch as Joe Biden gets torn apart and humiliated by the media for plagiarism in 1987 in this hilarious flashback video:

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Launches Scathing Attack on Biden

  RedState  "The incoming. It’s coming fast and furious for (at) Joe Biden.

"So much so that as I begin this article, the suddenly embattled president is about the speak to the nation, having cut short his Camp David “vacation” solely because his administration is at least “smart” enough to finally recognize they better do their damnedest to attempt to stop the bleeding — ASAP.

"They — he — will not succeed.

"It’s not just conservatives who continue to skewer the ever-loving crap out of the hapless Biden for his disastrous decision to withdraw American forces from Afghanistan — not because he withdrew them, but because of how he did it.

"When even CNN’s Jake Tapper decides to “journalism” for a minute and takes a top Biden official — equally-pathetic Secretary of State Antony Blinken — to task over “Biden’s Saigon”?

"The editorial boards of America’s major newspapers got into the act on Monday, blistering Biden in a scathing editorial after scathing editorial, none more so than the editors of The Wall Street Journal.

"Before we continue, this:

I am listening to Biden’s pathetic address to the nation, as I write. My God. He honestly doesn’t get it. Setting aside the disgust that he just once again blamed “my predecessor,” he continues to ignore the very simple difference between leaving Afghanistan and how we leave Afghanistan. He just ended his pathetic comments — in which he said zero about the men, women, and children, principally, young girls, of Afghanistan. He was defensive. And he sucked.

"Bigly, sucked.

Yeah, Houston, “we” have a problem." . . .   

America's choices show what a silly people we have become.

 "Biden and the Democrats are dishonest, delusional, and dangerous." Drew Allen

RealtyBites by Broc Smith.

Female mayor in Afghanistan says she's waiting for Taliban to 'come ... and kill me' (

‘A Pitiful, Helpless Giant’  "President Richard Nixon warned what America would become should it fail to have the determination and courage of a great world power. Speaking on April 30, 1970, he said: “If when the chips are down, the world’s most powerful nation, the United States of America, acts like a pitiful, helpless giant, the forces of totalitarianism and anarchy will threaten free nations and free institutions throughout the world.” He was announcing a successful incursion into Cambodia that was welcomed by the Cambodian government and which he promised would be ended within a deadline—which was met.". . .
 The entire security of Western civilization and the preeminence of the Western languages and alphabet and of governments officially devoted to the Judeo-Christian values of the rule of law and respect for individual rights, however imperfectly observed in practice, depends on the United States maintaining its position as the world’s most influential country.

Fools, meet the evil you elected   "We tried before the election, to get you to see Biden for what he is.  Evil, arrogant, self-centered, and bereft of any qualities of statesmanship or even good judgment.  You didn't listen.  You believed the media stories — that the laptop was fake; that he was in his bunker, rather than campaigning, because of the evil virus; and that he wanted to heal the country and knew how to do it."...

..."Guess you've graphically gotten your comeuppance now.  Argue all you want that Trump wanted out of Afghanistan.  That is true, but would he have left like this?  Nope!  He would have left from a position of strength that he could amply back up with action at the first hint of trouble.  He would have gotten our equipment, our manpower, and our allies and interpreters to safety if there was a need to.  He would have had a plan, and the plan would have worked.  He would not have sacrificed so much for so infinitesimal a reward.". . .
But lies and delusion coincided when Biden made the claim that, “We’ll continue to speak out for the basic rights of the Afghan people, of women and girls, just as we speak out all over the world.” The Taliban routinely executes gays, and stones women. Biden cozies up to the Chinese while they torture and kill Muslims in their internment camps. Biden and the Democrat party don’t speak up for anyone’s basic human rights all over the world. They only invent non-existent violations in the United States.
Biden is dishonest, delusional, and dangerous - American Thinker    "As the Taliban seized control of Afghanistan, the president of the United States went into hiding. Biden’s most recent disappearing act in a moment of crisis proved once again that he’s not leading the nation and that America is without a commander-in-chief. But his belated and disgraceful address to the Nation served to highlight the 3 D’s that define the modern Democratic Party — dishonesty, delusion, and danger.?"  . . .

"The debacle in Afghanistan makes it impossible to ignore Joe’s malevolent incompetence"...


Afghanistan: My take on what's happening there and at home

The debacle in Afghanistan makes it impossible to ignore Joe’s malevolent incompetence and reveals who’s paying attention — and who’s not.

"There are no words for what’s happening in Afghanistan. We are abandoning a nation to Stone Age tribal warlords who operate under the same rules that have driven Stone Age people since the dawn of time. It was always unrealistic to believe we could take Afghanistan on a journey from Stone Age values to the 21st century by having troops in the country and pouring money into the pockets of insatiably corrupt leaders." . . .

"The administration naively talked about a “diplomatic solution.” The Taliban were never interested, and have broken every agreement they have signed. Just look at recent headlines. Last week alone, 27 children were murdered at the hands of the Taliban. The Taliban executed 22 Afghan commandos as they attempted to peacefully surrender. They’ve made their intentions known — these butchers are bragging about the slaughter online.". . . 

Ian Macfarlane

UPDATED: China To Taiwan: America Will Abandon You…


Opinion | Biden’s Taiwan Policy Is Truly, Deeply Reckless  . . . "Media coverage of President Biden’s foreign policy tends to focus on his efforts to withdraw from Afghanistan, get tough on Russia and negotiate with Iran. But none of those may prove as consequential as Mr. Biden’s quiet, incremental moves to establish official relations with Taiwan. Because only his policy toward Taiwan is meaningfully increasing the risk of world war.
"He’s doing so by undoing a diplomatic fiction that for more than 40 years has served the United States, Taiwan and the world exceptionally well. In 1978, when the United States established diplomatic relations with Beijing, it agreed to pretend that there was only “one China.” The arrangement was absurd: Taiwan was, and is, effectively an independent country. But to Beijing, its de facto independence is the bitter fruit of imperialism — Japan stole away the island in 1895; America’s Seventh Fleet prevented the mainland from taking it back in 1950. By keeping U.S. relations with Taiwan unofficial, the “one China” fiction helped Beijing imagine that peaceful reunification remained possible. Which gave it an excuse not to invade." . . .

“I am increasingly concerned that a major crisis is coming,” said Ian Easton, senior director at the Project 2049 Institute who wrote “The Chinese Invasion Threat: Taiwan’s Defense and American Strategy in Asia.” “It is possible to envision this ending in an all-out invasion attempt and superpower war. The next five to 10 years are going to be dangerous ones. This flash point is fundamentally unstable.”

 Chinese state media sends 'ominous' warning to Taiwan after U.S.'s Afghanistan exit (  

Tim O'Donnell, Contributing Writer

In an editorial from The Global Times, the Chinese state media outlet sent what appears to be an 'ominous' message to Taiwan, which China claims as its territory, amid concerns that Beijing may one day launch an invasion of the island. The gist of the message? That the outcome in Afghanistan shows that the U.S., Taiwan's closest and most powerful ally, won't be around to help when the island needs it most.
Taiwan's political leaders "need to a keep a sober head, and the secessionist forces should reserve the ability to wake up from their dreams," the editorial reads. "From what happened in Afghanistan, they should perceive that once a war breaks out in the [Taiwan] Straits, the island's defense will collapse [within] hours and the U.S. military won't come to help. As a result [Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party] will quickly surrender, while some high-level officials may flee by plane."

"In the lead up to the U.S. exit from Afghanistan, several foreign policy analysts predicted that Washington's adverseries, including Beijing and the Kremlin, would push such a narrative as a way to undermine the United States' role on the world stage. It appears the ball is already rolling.

"Afghanistan today, Taiwan tomorrow? US treachery scares DPP" - Chinese Communist Party Global Times    . . . "Yesterday's Saigon, today's Afghanistan, and tomorrow's Taiwan?" read some online posts by internet users in the island of Taiwan, implying that the so-called alliance that Taiwan has forged with the US is nothing but an empty promise that will eventually "leave the Taiwan people hurting alone."

"An Op-Ed in local Taiwan news site said that the unexpected end in Afghanistan has "shocked" US allies and partners, who have become wary of putting the safety of Taiwan in the hands of the US, as the latter may pull the same tricks played in Kabul." . . .

Big Media belatedly catching on to Obama's phoniness

We already knew Obama gravitated to stars but it was disillusioning to see it on such a grand scale last weekend.

 American Thinker  "New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd stirred up something of a tweet storm in leftist quarters last weekend with a hit piece on Barack Obama's super-spreader birthday bash, titled, without subtlety, "Behold Barack Antoinette."

"The reference is to Marie Antionette, the soon-to-be-beheaded French queen who reportedly dissed the revolutionary masses with her classic brush-off, "Let them eat cake."

"In reading the column, I found myself amused at Dowd's discovery that Obama is "a diffident debutante with a distaste for politics."  Given the access to power provided by her lofty perch at the Times, I had to ask myself, "How had it taken her so long to grasp the obvious?"

"In comparing Obama to F. Scott Fitzgerald's party-giving Jay Gatsby, Dowd writes, "Barack Obama gave a big, lavish, new-money party at his sprawling mansion on the water because he wanted to seem cool.  Being cool is important to him.  One difference is that Gatsby opened his house to the uninvited."

"Had Ms. Dowd simply looked at the cover of my new book, Barack Obama's Promised Land: Deplorables Need Not Apply, she would have known that her thesis is not original.  Barack Obama's "promised land" had no room for the uninvited or the "disinvitado," let alone the deplorables.

"Some background.  In Obama's 2020 memoir A Promised Land, he expressed his fears of climate change at great length.  "I pictured caravans of lost souls wandering a cracked earth in search of arable land," he wrote, "regular Katrina-sized catastrophes across every continent, island nations swallowed up by the sea."

"Wrote I in response, "Yet despite these fears, Obama somehow found the courage to buy a seaside estate that gobbled at least three times the energy of the average American home.  The purchase calls to mind another memorable quote from a doomed French royal, 'Qu'ils mangent de la brioche.'  Let them eat cake.' " . . .

Monday, August 16, 2021

America's demise as a world leader and protector


AfterMath - Home (

Pompeo Calls Out Biden For Blaming Trump For Afghanistan, ‘Pathetic Blame Shifting’

Joe Biden's Afghan fiasco   "Secretary of state Antony Blinken has insisted that the Afghan situation is "manifestly not Saigon."  This has been suggested because helicopters are being used to evacuate embassy personnel.  Perhaps it is more like Benghazi.  In both cases, the commander-in-chief left the scene: Obama to bed and Biden to Camp David." . . .

. . . Pelosi’s statement comes as the Taliban has rapidly seized control of Afghanistan following a disastrous pullout by the Biden administration. The Taliban now controls the majority of the country, has seized a significant amount of U.S. military hardware and weapons, and is reportedly carrying out atrocities and human rights abuses. […]

Hope Solo Says Megan Rapinoe Would ‘Almost Bully’ Teammates Into Kneeling During The National Anthem

  The Daily Caller  "Hope Solo recently had some harsh words for her former teammate Megan Rapinoe.

"Solo and Rapinoe spent several years together on the USWNT, and the former goalie isn’t overly impressed with the national anthem protests that have swept through the team. In fact, she thinks Rapinoe pushed players to do it.

“I think the kneeling thing can be very divisive. I’ve seen Megan Rapinoe almost bully players into kneeling because she really wants to stand up for something in her particular way,” Solo said on Goal’s “All of Us: The U.S. Women’s Soccer Show” when discussing Rapinoe and the national anthem protest.

"She also added, “I think the rhetoric surrounding this team has been both divisive and inclusive. I guess it’s kind of where we are in politics in this day and age.”. . . 

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Our Military Is A Woke Joke


Stilton's Place (

Our Military Is A Woke Joke by Kurt Schlichter (   

"Ignore those pictures of the Afghan army that our military senior leader geniuses spent 20 years and zillions of dollars on disintegrating in the face of a pack of glorified mountain banditos from the Seventh Century – the real story is that, finally, America’s fighting men and women are fully aware of the urgency of accepting and validating the trans experience. And it's even better if said trans people are BIPOC. Plus differently abled. 

"Our broke, woke armed forces would be a hysterically funny punchline if the joke wasn’t, “The greatest military in human history walks into a bar, puts down trillions of dollars and buckets of American blood, and asks the bartender, ‘So, what would it look like if all the generals and admirals sucked-up to the garbage establishment that has totally failed the people of the USA?’”. . . 

. . . "Look at us now. Look at the generals, in their stupid throwback uniforms from the Forties that are supposed to make the gender studies seminar we call the US Army think it’s the same force that broke Hitler. It’s not. A serious organization does not alternate its designation of America’s most serious threat between the weather, “racism,” and other Americans who dissent from the generals’ bosses’ political priorities.