Wednesday, July 31, 2024

After Meeting With Kamala Harris, Benjamin Netanyahu Goes Scorched Earth

  Bonchie – RedState  . . ."Israel knows that Harris will seek to appease Iran and preserve Hamas rule in Gaza no matter how much she tries to ride the fence. The time to act is now when Joe Biden is completely AWOL and America has no real president. Harris would no doubt be even less helpful than Biden has been, and Israel knows that. 

"With Haniyeh out of the picture, Sinwar is the big fish left to take out. Doing so would represent a death blow to Hamas. Israel clearly fears what a Harris administration would do to prevent that and they are taking action now. The expectation is that things will get hotter from here, especially if Iran retaliates."

RealityBites by Broc Smith

Lyndsey Fifield on X: "Clip of how Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh and Saleh al-Arouri celebrated while watching October 7th clips. Israel turned both of them to chunky salsa 🥰" / X

Kamala Harris: Obama’s ‘Ding-Dong’

“I’m sorry if that offends you, Neil, but I’m just telling you what the people of America think,” he said, then claimed again that polls show Americans think Harris is a “ding dong” and “member of the loon wing.” 

Sen. John Kennedy on Kamala Harris: "Margaret Thatcher didn't giggle ... many Americans think the vice president is a little bit of a ding dong." (Neil Cavuto is not a fan of this commentary.)

 The American Spectator | USA News and Politics  She's a Xerox of a Xerox of a Xerox.

"The whiny Neil Cavuto didn’t like it on Monday when Sen. John Kennedy noted, during a guest appearance on his Fox News show, that “many Americans think that the vice president is a little bit of a ding-dong.”

"Cavuto proceeded to scold Kennedy for “name-calling,” and covered himself by lamenting verbal cruelty coming from both sides of the political aisle." . . .

"But while Kennedy’s unkind characterization of Kamala Harris might have perturbed Cavuto and incensed the various X mobsters of the Left into dubbing him a racist, sexist, and whatever other tired slurs of their choice, that doesn’t make him wrong.

"Kamala is a ding-dong. Everybody knows she is.

"Harris Is a Radical. No Doubt About It.

"If it wasn’t commonly known that she’s a cackling imbecile whose political rise was a combination of casting-couch mentorship, identity politics, and Third-World puppeteering, her handlers wouldn’t be working as hard as they’ve been for the last 10 days to recast her as a “cultural phenomenon.”

"You’re seeing the most breathtaking fake-it-till-you-make-it campaign since Lou Pearlman left the music business, complete with cringy identity-politics Zoom calls, tens of millions of dollars raised from “small, first-time donors” whose contributions surprisingly come in Sunday night, media whitewashes of commonly-known facts and a candidate even more absent from public scrutiny than even Basement Joe Biden was.

"Why? Because she’s a ding-dong.". . .

GOP Senator Gets Called Out To His Face On Fox News Over Bizarre 'Ding Dong' Attack (    "Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) had some strange moments on Fox News on Monday after host Neil Cavuto confronted him about using demeaning language to attack Vice President Kamala Harris, the likely Democratic nominee for president.

"Kennedy mocked Harris for laughing and claimed that polls show Americans think she’s “a little bit of a ding dong,” a phrase he used about half a dozen times across the 10-minute interview.  

“ 'Well, this ding dong, senator, has risen in the polls,” Cavuto said, adding that the name-calling looks “petty” and warned it could backfire with voters. 

"Kennedy wasn’t having it, insisting that the “crosstabs” of polls show that Americans think Harris is “a bit of a ding dong” and “a member of the loon wing.” . . .'

The Honeymoon Is Over: New Harvard/Harris Poll and DNC Leaks May Sink Kamala Harris' Ship – RedState

. . . “ 'I don’t think Kamala Harris would win this year,” reveals Joyce DeCerce (@JoyceDecerce) (he/him), Compliance Manager for the Democratic National Committee (@DNC) and Kamala Harris' (@KamalaHarris) Campaign.

"DeCerce adds, “She doesn’t have any accomplishments to speak of,” suggesting that Harris’s lack of popularity stems from her underachievement while in office. 

"Regarding Harris’s approval amongst voters, the DNC Compliance manager states, “She's weirdly unpopular." 

"DeCerce describes his role within the DNC as “an accounting function,” explaining, “It’s kind of like where accounting and legal meet.” 

"DeCerce admits that the DNC’s engagement with donors is little more than a façade. He explains, “You just put on a performance for them, a little show, right?” implying that the DNC merely tells donors what they want to hear in order to receive donations. He further claims that the DNC’s approach is to fuel donors’ fantasies with empty promises, emphasizing, “They want their fantasy to be, you know, fed.' ” . . .

Another ‘austere religious scholar’ makes headlines as he raises money for land along the US border for a Sharia domain, complete with jihad training camps

 Olivia Murray - American Thinker  "While journalists at The Washington Post might call Sheikh Yasser al-Habib an “austere religious scholar” (the descriptor so affectionately used to eulogize Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi after he detonated himself and his own children a tunnel to evade capture by U.S. forces), others night label the Muslim cleric a terrorist, or even just a devout Islamist, while a report at the Daily Mail describes al-Habib as a “vile Muslim extremist”; after the massacres in the kibbutzim on October 7th, al-Habib reportedly said he and his followers were “buoyed” by the slaughter, and rhetorically asked, “Who among us does not enjoy retaliation of the Zionist enemy?”

"Anyway, al-Habib has a substantial following, complete with his own “army” of jihadis, and he’s apparently eyeing small islands across the West—some even along the U.S. border—for purchase, in order to establish Sharia law domains, and he’s just about succeeded in buying a small uninhabited Scottish island called Torsa. As you can expect, the Western governments are radio silent on al-Habib’s ambitions.". . .

Hate preacher not in advanced talks to buy Scottish island Torsa (

Remember "gravitas"? Now the Democrat word is "weird"

Who are the ‘weird’ ones? - Jack Hellner   

. . ."I think a good description of weird people would be when they are just strange.  Kamala, Pritzker, Hillary, and others who say Republicans or Vance are weird seem to be confused. 

"Here are some examples:

They claim that they love children and want the U.S. to survive as a great country, yet they tell women not to have children because they pretend we are destroying the planet.

They claim they can control the climate, yet they claim they can’t control oil or food prices. 

Biden and others worry that, with immunity, a president may take a bribe for a pardon and have no repercussions.  He is clearly talking about Bill Clinton giving a pardon to Marc Rich after his wife donated huge amounts of money to him.  Yet not once have the media or other Democrats suggested that Clinton should have been prosecuted. 

Democrats claim they are for protecting democracy, yet they anoint Kamala for president despite her getting zero votes in the primaries. 

Democrats say they are against corruption and lawbreakers, yet they deny that Biden did anything wrong when he took Hunter around the world taking kickbacks.

Biden’s brain and ability have clearly been shot for years, yet until the debate, we were told he is sharp as a tack. 

Democrats claim they care about women, yet they never cared about all the women whom Bill and Hillary physically and mentally abused and sought to destroy. 

Joy Behar Not Liking Dem's Latest Smear Tactic Against Trump Campaign, Suggests Alternative  She didn't like "weird", preferring "convicted felon" instead.  But Trump is our outlaw.

‘KAMALOT’ CRINGE: Conservatives Roast New York Magazine’s Kamala Harris Cover, ‘Nonstop Gaslighting


AfterMath - Home (

"New York Magazine dropped a Kamala Harris cover story this week that was quickly roasted by conservatives on X. The cover story, Welcome to Kamalot, shows Harris sitting on a coconut and being cheered on by Top Dems Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, AOC, and Hollywood representatives.
"“On the heels of President Joe Biden’s historic departure from his reelection campaign, our new issue captures the giddy, infectious, and potentially risky presidential campaign of Kamala Harris,” the post continued." . . .
. . .“ 'Is it possible to completely manufacture a cultural phenomenon by taking a vapid, leftist San Francisco Democrat and turning her into something that she’s not through nonstop gaslighting? Corporate media is certainly trying to make ‘fetch’ happen…” DeSantis said.
“ 'The play on words is about a fictional monarch who no one under their rule also voted for,” The Spectator’s Stephen Miller said.
" 'It’s a funny play on words, but a magazine referring to an earlier media-driven myth creation about a previous Democratic president is a bit on the nose,” The Washington Free Beacon’s Joe Gabriel Simonson wrote.
“ 'Garish and dystopian,” writer Sarah Lee said. Several others called it “weird” and “cringe.” . . .

Comment to the above:  5th column analyst:

  2 days ago, the media was stepping on her, calling her the worst most incompetent VP in history. Now that the media threw out Uncle Joe, this nothing nobody is suddenly a hero and savior of this Nation. Kamala is now the second coming. The Pope can go to sleep.

Do the anti-Israel tools not have a clue what Palestinians did to the homes and families of Israel?

See any signs of shame among the scarf people around this nation? The anti-Israel tools have added one more layer of repulsiveness to an already abhorrent Olympics. Tunnel Dweller

Kibbutz Be'eri Still in Shock after Hamas Massacred 10 Percent of its People  "KIBBUTZ BE'ERI, Israel – Still in shock, many Israelis are saying life will never be the same after the Hamas massacres in Israeli communities along the border with the Gaza Strip.

"One week after the attacks, CBN News visited Kibbutz Be'eri on the Gaza perimeter. Myriam Kadouch is a tour guide who regularly brought groups to Be-eri before that fateful day, October 7, 2023. 

" 'I bring delegations of people who want to know this beautiful area called – you know, the “fringe of Gaza” – because people don’t know these places used to be so green, to be paradise.  The place you wanted to grow your children in. This used to be paradise, all green full of flowers," Kadouch recalled.

"Ten percent of the people of Kibbutz Be'eri were killed. In just one of the community's buildings, 19 were killed, including 8 children.

" 'You see this devastation here," Kadouch reflected. "It’s not only the heart who bleeds. It’s like you’re saying to yourself, how will we be able to come back alive from that? This is just the pure devastation and the misery, and you understand all these people came to kill. An army of terrorists – thousands of them – were prepared, and they came to kill." . . .

 Hamas terrorists live-streamed killing of Gali's daughter and abduction of others

 The truth about Israel 💙🇮🇱 | Thousands of Palestinian CIVILIANS took part in the Oct 7th massacre- murdered innocent men, women, elderly, children and babies. Here are… | Instagram

And now Palestinians and leftists around the world do things like this without signs of shame!

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Never Underestimate Joe’s Ability To Foul Things Up; He sent inflation to the highest levels in almost 40 years.

  Issues & Insights (

"There are many other gaps in the nags’ global warming narrative, which we have documented over the years, and they all add up to one thing: We’re being manipulated, bullied, conned, and robbed for no good reason whatsoever."

Toon added by TD

. . ."In 2020, when Joe Biden was running for office, he was thoroughly sullied when Barack Obama, his boss of eight years, said “​​don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f–k things up.” Over his three years and six months as president, Joe has amply demonstrated that Obama was correct. And he did it again this week, when his Environmental Protection Agency announced its “selected recipients of over $4.3 billion in Climate Pollution Reduction Grants to implement community-driven solutions that tackle the climate crisis, reduce air pollution, advance environmental justice, and accelerate America’s clean energy transition.” 

We predict the funds will do none of those things. The entire “initiative is just one small piece of the vast economic waste of the falsely named Inflation Reduction Act, with its multi-trillion dollars of subsidies for uneconomic projects,” says blogger Manhattan Contrarian, who incisively likens it to Mao’s “Great Leap Foward.”

"But that money is good for locking up votes for Democrats who are committed to carrying on their global warming foolishness, and for lining the pockets of grifters who will elect Democrats to keep the dollars rolling in.

"Of course, there’s no compelling or even slightly marginal reason to continue to spend taxpayers’ money on “fighting” global warming. Over the last year or so, our world busted right through the temperature limit that all previous spending was supposed to stop. The non-Fauci “science” had been warning us for decades that when Earth’s temperature was 1.5 degrees Celsius higher than pre-industrial levels it would “be catastrophic for the environment and human health,” meteorologist and healthy skeptic Anthony Watts writes.

"Yet we’re still here, some of us hot, some of us cool – even in the Northern Hemisphere’s summer." . . .

Where does Joe Biden rank among America's worst presidents? 

. . ."President Biden's time in the White House is mercifully coming to an end. He's now officially a lame duck with six months to go. 

"Biden was a victim here of a corrupt Democratic machine (with a complicit media) that thought it could pull off a grand election-year deceit despite Biden's failing cognitive abilities. 

"The establishment and a compliant media convinced millions of primary voters that he was of sound mind and ready to serve four more years. This lust for power put America in danger. How could they be so unpatriotic?

"So where will Biden stand in the history books? He wasn't a failed president because of his declining cognitive abilities. It was his policies that wrecked America." . . .  Hat tip to Harley Standlee; California

Men, Don’t ‘Shut Up,’ Rise Up — And ‘Fight, Fight, Fight’ For J.D.

 Issues & Insights (

"Barely a fortnight after your correspondent celebrated the ascension to the Republican ticket of a “champion of families,” even some self-styled “conservatives” are pushing to push J.D. Vance off an electoral cliff.

"His offense: asserting in a 2021 Tucker Carlson interview that America is “effectively run … by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives … and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too.”

"It seems that the Buckeye State’s junior senator was insulting heartbroken women suffering from infertility and that, per the wholly-Uniparty-owned Wall Street Journal editorial board, his remarks don’t “play well with the millions of female voters, many of them Republican, who will decide the presidential race.”

"The Journal’s suggestion: hide behind the skirts of his attorney spouse, Usha, who “might help persuade swing voters that Mr. Vance respects women more than his comments have made it seem.”


"Let’s start with a little “necessary throat clearing,” as Vance put it in his epic “Civilizational Crisis” speech contemporaneous with the Tucker interview:

Look, a lot of people are unable to have kids for very complicated and important reasons. I know good friends of mine who struggled to find the right girl, find the right guy. There are people, of course, for biological reasons, medical reasons, that can’t have children. The target of these remarks is not them.

It’s one thing to recognize that there are people who don’t have children through no fault or choice of their own. But it’s something else to build a political movement, invested theoretically in the future of this country, when not a single one of them actually has any physical commitment to the future of this country.

. . . 

Calm down, Democrats: Trump did not tell Christians he’ll be a dictator

 They know that; it's just an opportunity to gaslight shallow voters. TD

Hot Takes: Democrats Try Out 'JD Vance Is Weird' Smear, Social Media Obliterates It – RedState   . . ."Instead of taking a critical look at his policy stances or his career in the Senate, they are relying on a particular talking point: JD Vance is “weird.”

That’s right, folks. Democrats on the airwaves and interwebs have gotten the memo and, for some reason, it is telling them to convince the public that Vance is too weird to be vice president. This is an odd departure from the usual “Everyone who opposes us is racist,” but perhaps the left is trying to branch out?" 

"The talking point appears to have originated with Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who recently used it during an interview." . . .

Andrea Widburg - American Thinker  "On Friday, Trump spoke to a Turning Point USA Faith Believers Summit (i.e., an Evangelical Christian group). In the last minutes of his speech, according to Democrats, he announced that, if elected, he’ll end all elections, becoming a dictator for life. Of course, if you listen to Trump, he said something quite different: He will work to end election fraud so that, going forward, all true votes in America will be counted and Republicans can win, even if, as is usually he case, 40% of potential Evangelical voters stay home.

"The WaPo sums up the hysteria:" . . .

. . ."Although the WaPo quotes Trump accurately, it does so using deception through omission. I went to the full speech to see what Trump had said in context.

"What Trump said is that cheating is rampant in American elections. His goal, if elected, is to return to paper ballots and demand voter ID, all to ensure that real people, who are citizens, vote and that their votes are honestly counted. That’s not about ending elections and creating a dictatorship; that’s about ensuring honest elections, and not Kabuki theater with a pre-determined outcome that invariably favors Democrats. (So, you can see, of course, why Democrats are panicking.)" . . .

"First came the terrorists to kill; then came the Gazans with bags to loot the homes"

US Congress member.
"They were laughing"   "Hero kibbutz security guard relives battle against Hamas in Israel" The safe rooms were for protection from Hamas' rockets, not invaders.

"A hero kibbutz security guard has described how he battled Hamas terrorists despite being shot in the groin – and listened helpless as they killed a female paramedic in cold blood. Father-of-three Yair Avital, 38, had been woken by the sounds of explosions and alarms at the now infamous kibbutz Be’eri in southern Israel just three miles from Gaza. Desperate to protect his family and the other residents, he joined other security staff in a heroic eight-hour battle on October 7 that left dozens dead and himself seriously injured. Several of his team were killed, and another victim was paramedic Amit Mann, 22, who bravely tried to convince Hamas terrorists - who had surrounded the kibbutz dental clinic - to stop shooting."

Kamala Harris, are you paying attention to this?

First came the terrorists to kill; then came the Gazans with bags to loot the homes. Including those neighbors of Israelis who had worked at the homes and land of those the terrorists killed.

"Still in shock, many Israelis are saying life will never be the same after the Hamas massacres in Israeli communities along the border with the Gaza Strip.

"One week after the attacks, CBN News visited Kibbutz Be'eri on the Gaza perimeter. Myriam Kadouch is a tour guide who regularly brought groups to Be-eri before that fateful day, October 7, 2023. " 'I bring delegations of people who want to know this beautiful area called – you know, the “fringe of Gaza” – because people don’t know these places used to be so green, to be paradise. The place you wanted to grow your children in. This used to be paradise, all green full of flowers," Kadouch recalled." Read the full story from CBN's Julie Stahl:

More at the Tunnel Wall

Mark Levin had the best analysis yet of Kamala Harris

Peter Barry Chowka - American Thinker  

 "Mark Levin’s Saturday and Sunday prime time news analysis and commentary shows on FOX News, Life, Liberty & Levin, are appointment viewing but never more than last night. In his 19-minute program opening, Levin focused on Vice President Kamala Harris — the presumed Democrat nominee for president who was anointed less than a week ago.

"To illustrate his searing commentary, Levin showed a variety of video clips of Harris in her own words. Several of these, he said, were newly discovered and being shown for the first time.

"Fortunately, FOX News has posted the entire 19-minute segment online with free, open access. I cannot recommend it highly enough. If your blood isn’t boiling already at the possibility of Harris becoming the 47th President of the United States in November’s election, this video will seal the deal.

"Levin’s unique value lies in bringing his vast knowledge of politics, the law, and the Constitution to bear on subjects he focuses on. He is also an excellent communicator, after years of experience hosting a successful nationally syndicated radio talk show, authoring a number of bestselling books, and appearing on countless television programs in addition to his own popular show since 2018 on FOX News.

"I transcribed a brief part of [Sunday]’s segment. It represents less than ten percent of the 19 minutes." . . .

Biden Abandons the Court . . . and His Last Inviolate Principle

 "Below is my column in the New York Post on President Joe Biden’s call to reform the Supreme Court by ending lifetime tenure for Supreme Court justices." Jonathan Turley

Biden Abandons the Court . . . and His Last Inviolate Principle – JONATHAN TURLEY     "President (and Supreme Court Chief Justice) William Howard Taft once said “presidents come and go, but the Supreme Court goes on forever.”
"But not if Joe Biden has his way. Indeed, both the president and Court as we know it could be gone.
"In a failed attempt to save his nomination, Biden offered to “reform” the Court by imposing an 18-year term limit that would jettison the three most senior conservative justices.
"With only six months left in his presidency, Biden’s efforts are likely to fail, but, unfortunately, could set the stage for activists under a Harris Administration in seeking to change the Court forever.
"For more than 50 years, Biden staunchly refused to play politics with the Supreme Court and support calls for “reforms” from the left of his party.
"For a politician who has long been criticized for changing positions with the polls on issues from abortion to criminal justice to gun rights, the Court was one of the few areas of true principle for Biden.
"Even though he refused to answer questions on packing the Court in the 2020 election, he ultimately rejected the call as president.
"Yet Biden’s final principle fell this month when facing the premature and involuntary end of his candidacy. Faced with being a one-term president, the Supreme Court would have to be sacrificed.
"Biden opted for the least of the evils in pushing for term limits rather than court packing.

It was the more popular option for Biden to yield on. Voters have always loved term limits.

"The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found 67% of Americans, including 82% of Democrats and 57% of Republicans, support a proposal to set finite terms for justices.

"But there were few law professors and even fewer Democratic members clamoring for term limits until conservatives secured a stable majority on the Court. Then, suddenly, the Court had to be “reformed” without delay.

"It is no accident that the first three justices who would be term limited off the Court are conservatives: Clarence Thomas (after 33 years on the Court), Chief Justice John Roberts (after 19 years), and Justice Samuel Alito (after 18 years).

Think, however, about the iconic decisions we would have lost with term limits in place. Liberal Justice Williams Douglas’s 36 years on the Court would have literally been cut in half. He would have been kicked off in 1957." . . .