Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Harris dodges questions in Fox News sit-down, sticks to anti-Trump script

Jeff Mordock - The Washington Times 

"She was asked if and when she became aware of the cognitive decline of the 81-year-old President Biden, she touted his experience and then said the American people are more concerned about Mr. Trump." . . .  

"Vice President Kamala Harris, in a rare Fox News interview on Wednesday, dodged a bevy of questions about the Biden-Harris immigration policies, the president’s cognitive decline and her support for taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for prisoners.

"The interview is part of Ms. Harris’ pursuit of support from Republican votes who have become disillusioned with former President Donald Trump.

"She repeatedly sidestepped questions, often pivoting to sharp attacks on Mr. Trump and boasts of Republican politicos and former Trump administration officials who are backing her.

"Fox News anchor Bret Baier spent the first 10 minutes focused on immigration, an issue that’s top-of-mind for many Republican voters.

• Ms. Harris declined to discuss how many illegal immigrants have been released into the country under the Biden-Harris administration.

Donald Trump learned about that bill and told [Republicans] to kill it because he’d prefer to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem.”

"She refused to say if she owed the families of those victimized by migrant crime an apology.

“ 'Let me just say, first of all, those are tragic cases. There’s no question about that. And I can’t imagine the pain that the families of those victims have experienced for a loss that should not have occurred,” she said before again pivoting to Mr. Trump’s opposition to the border bill.

• Ms. Harris kept circling back to Mr. Trump, depicting him as unhinged, dangerous and a threat to democracy.

“ 'People are exhausted with someone who professes to be a leader, who spends full time demeaning and engaging in personal grievances and it being about him instead of the American people.”

"When asked why she’s locked in a tight race with someone supposedly so erratic and dangerous, Ms. Harris replied that an election “is not supposed to be a cakewalk.”

• Ms. Harris declined to say if she still supported taxpayer-funded transgender surgeries for prisoners, a position she advocated for in 2019.

“I will follow the law.” . . .

‘Progressive’ California At War With Progress and Elon Musk. But Soros, Gates and Buffet are the Left's darlings

  Issues & Insights

 "Much has been made, as it should have been, about the stark differences with Elon Musk’s SpaceX and the once-great NASA’s pathetic woke-DEI-politically correct existence. Musk wins on merit, but in California, that’s not what counts. So Musk has been vilified because he dared to leave the progressive plantation. 

This mountain of money and influence aimed at transforming America explains why even left-leaning major media are alarmed. Arabella is “the indisputable heavyweight of Democratic dark money,” warns the Atlantic.

"SpaceX has been launching rockets from the Vandenberg Air Force base in Santa Barbara County for more than a decade. It wants to increase the number of annual launches from six to 36, and maybe even more. The Air Force has no problem with the plans. The California Coastal Commission does. It voted 6-4 last week to block the increase.

"As one would expect, the opposition was based on Musk’s political transformation. He also has the temerity to be successful in a society that has increasingly come to devalue success and deem failure and the amenability to be offended to be virtues. That will get him nowhere in California.

  • “​​We’re dealing with a company, the head of which has aggressively injected himself into the presidential race,” said Commissioner Chair Caryl Hart.
  • “​​Elon Musk is hopping about the country, spewing and tweeting political falsehoods and attacking FEMA while claiming his desire to help the hurricane victims with free Starlink access to the internet,” said Alternate Commissioner Gretchen Newsom.
  • “This company is owned by the richest person in the world with direct control of what could be the most expansive communications system in the planet,” Commissioner Mike Wilson said. “Just last week that person was talking about political retribution.”

"The “official” reason for the commission’s decision is due “concerns that all SpaceX launches would be considered military activity, shielding the company from having to acquire its own permits, even if military payloads aren’t being carried,” reports Politico.

"But it’s obvious that was concocted for public consumption.

"California is clearly the most progressive state in the country in terms of politics. It elevates the administrative state over private affairs. It pursues a political society at the expense of civil society. Progressives prefer the rule of men, not the rule of law; elites over Mainstreeters; dependence rather than independence; coercion instead of cooperation; taxes instead of economic freedom; revolution (or a fundamental transformation) when what’s needed is greater freedom." . . .

Understanding the Dramatic Jewish Shift Towards President Trump and the Republican Party

Rabbi Moshe B. Parnes

"Jews are worried and feel they need a strong leader who can not only protect them but value their contribution as full citizens and contributors to the well-being of the United States. It is clear why they feel that they have that person in Donald Trump."

"The Jewish vote is, for the first time since Reagan beat Carter 44 years ago, likely to be close. Considering that Hillary Clinton garnered over 70% of the Jewish vote in 2016, and Trump less than one-fourth, this is a tectonic shift in Jewish allegiance away from Democrats. But it’s not hard to understand why even Jews with leftist leanings are reevaluating their loyalties this year.

"As a community rabbi, director of a popular Jewish study center that attracts Jews from all backgrounds, and an officer of the largest rabbinic public policy organization in America, I am very well acquainted with local and national Jewish thought. But honestly, no expertise is needed: wherever Jews gather to chat, whether in synagogues, kosher supermarket aisles, community centers and on social media, we all hear the same conversations. Where once Jews would be embarrassed to admit they planned to vote for a Republican, today the opposite is true.

"Those Jews whose priorities are progressive, or who consider Trump a dictator in waiting, will remain Harris voters. Many others are reconsidering. Amongst Orthodox Jews, the shift is nearly universal. It is driven by the fear Jews have for their personal safety and their concern for the continued viability of Israel and their dismay at the the credence Biden and Harris give to antisemitic tropes, that embolden our enemies."  

"Jews are worried and feel they need a strong leader who can not only protect them but value their contribution as full citizens and contributors to the well-being of the United States. It is clear why they feel that they have that person in Donald Trump."

Biden’s betrayal of Israel is clear weakness masquerading as policy   "Israelis are fighting for their lives on several fronts, so naturally President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris decide it’s a good time to tie their hands and publicly threaten them. 

"Whose side are they on? 

"Sadly, it doesn’t seem to be Israel’s.

"Nor is it America’s when they insist Israel go easy on terrorists who aim to destroy America after they destroy Israel. 

"Even to call the White House approach a policy is overly generous.

"It’s more of a gut reaction born of weakness that sees any expression of American or Israeli power as dangerous." . . .

..."As the nominee, a nervous Biden reacted by turning the screws on Israel, and later had Secretary of State Tony Blinken, who has zero military experience, dictate which targets in Gaza Israel could strike."...

 ..."As the nominee, a nervous Biden reacted by turning the screws on Israel, and later had Secretary of State Tony Blinken, who has zero military experience, dictate which targets in Gaza Israel could strike."...

Then what if the next President after the Republican is another Democrat in the mold of Obama-Biden? It seems likely to make America the ally of the Iranian cause once more. TD 

Harris Proposes Forgivable Loans to Black Male Entrepreneurs

This lady is a real piece of work! 

"Is this Harris doing damage control after Obama scolded black men for not supporting her?"

"Uh oh! 21 day panic! Time to promise voters everything in the world!

"VP Kamala Harris unveiled the “Opportunity Agenda,” which proposes one million forgivable loans up to $20,000 for black entrepreneurs.

"The agenda includes the following (emphasis mine):

(1) Providing 1 million loans that are fully forgivable to Black entrepreneurs and others to start a business.
(2) Championing education, training, and mentorship programs that help Black men get good-paying jobs in high-demand industries and lead their communities, including pathways to become teachers.
(3) Supporting a regulatory framework for cryptocurrency and other digital assets so Black men who invest in and own these assets are protected.
(4) Launching a National Health Equity Initiative focused on Black Men that addresses sickle cell disease, diabetes, mental health, prostate cancer, and other health challenges that disproportionately impact them.
(5) Legalizing recreational marijuana and creating opportunities for Black Americans to succeed in this new industry.

"Man, Harris has come a long way:

As San Francisco district attorney from 2004 to 2011, Harris oversaw over 1,900 convictions for cannabis violations, the San Jose Mercury News reported in 2019. Still, only a small number of those people ended up in prison.

"Mother Jones destroyed Harris in 2019 in the article “Kamala Was a Cop. Black People Knew It First.”

"Camille Squires pointed out why black people don’t trust Harris. It all stems from her time as San Francisco district attorney. It also goes beyond marijuana:"  . . .

This will work on those not understanding economics. TD

Vernon Jones : BREAKING NEWS: sent out by White liberals to “Blackman-splain” to get Black men to vote for . Wait, his mother and Kamala’s mother are both “WHITE.” Obama doesn’t even have Black neighbors, and 99% of his handlers are White. I don’t have anything in common with Kamala. No Thanks BO, Blacks had enough of you and .

Sequel! Pandemonium at CBS News After Journalist Pushes Back on Anti-Israel Author Ta-Nehisi Coates

 Legal Insurrection  

“ 'I have to say, when I read the book, I imagine if I took your name out of it, took away the awards, the acclaim, took the cover off the book, publishing house goes away, the content of that section would not be out of place in the backpack of an extremist,” Dokoupil said."

. . ."But back to the Monday call, one brave member of the news team, Jan Crawford, spoke up in defense of Dokoupil, correctly pointing out that asking tough questions and challenging the premises of people in positions of influence and/or power is what reporters are supposed to do:

“I don’t even understand how Tony’s interview failed to meet our editorial standards… I thought our commitment was to truth. When someone comes on our air with a one-sided account of very complex situation—which Coates himself acknowledges that he has—it’s my understanding that as a journalist we are obligated to challenge that worldview, so that our viewers can have access to the truth and can have a more balanced account…”

“… And that is what Tony did. He challenged Coates’ one-sided worldview, Coates got to respond. It was civil… I don’t see how we can say that it failed to meet our editorial standards…. Tony prevented a one-sided account from being broadcast on our network about a deeply complex situation that completely was devoid of history or fact. As journalists, that’s what we have an obligation to do.”

"But the powers that be at CBS News would not be swayed. In response to the uproar, they invited a DEI expert, Dr. Donald Grant, to come in and soothe ruffled feathers. But that idea soon got nixed after social media sleuths discovered some rather eye-opening posts from Grant:

Originally, CBS News had invited a self-described “mental health expert, DEI strategist, and trauma trainer” named Dr. Donald Grant to moderate a conversation on the issue in an all-staff meeting on Tuesday. That plan was scrapped after old social media posts from Dr. Grant surfaced—including one where he referred to South Carolina senator Tim Scott as “Uncle Tim” (a reference to “Uncle Tom”) and another of him describing a possible second Trump term as “MAGAcide” and the “death of a nation.” Seems like just the guy you should call when you want to smooth things over. (A source close to the drama told The Free Press that the network was “humiliated by his Instagram.”) . . .

Much more drama in the comments below the above article. TD

DEI Trainer Gets Oregon Employee Placed On Leave For Hiring 'Candidates Most Qualified' - Not Minority Status

Justine Brooke Murray  

 . . ."Who would’ve thought in 2024 you'd be punished for discrimination for refusing to discriminate against applicants?" . ..

"The cult of intersectionality is claiming more of its victims in the workplace.

"Oregon recently placed their deputy state forester, Mike Shaw on leave after their purple-haired DEI trainer filed a complaint that he sought “candidates most qualified for the job,” rather than race and gender, reports the Daily Mail.

"Who would’ve thought in 2024 you'd be punished for discrimination for refusing to discriminate against applicants?

"But Megan Donecker, the forestry department’s former Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Chief says hiring should be done through an “intersectional lens,” which means their process should be a victimhood contest determining whose ancestors were more oppressed.

"Donecker also whined that six queer staffers didn't “feel safe or comfortable” at work because they could not have a “conversation around pronouns.” 

"In other words, discrimination also means refusing to comply with a re- write of truth.

"The department didn’t seem to have time for her ideology, which is apparently why they’re in hot water. 

"The DEI radical, a white woman who describes herself as an “accomplice to marginalized communities,” wrote in her complaint that she was “cut” from leadership meetings for her efforts to re-educate them. 

"She lambasted Shaw for comparing identity-based hiring to a “speeding car on an icy road.”

“ 'We don't go 60 (mph) out of the gate, or we're gonna crash the car,” Shaw allegedly told Donecker during a one-on-one meeting.

"Feeling defeated, Donecker has since quit her job. She is now working with Oregon's children, as the "Equity Trainer" and "Education Coordinator" for the state's department of Early Learning and Care." . . .

Trump's biggest asset is his first term

 Don Surber; Substack

 . . ."I am not slut-shaming the Atlantic for being open and honest about who it carries water for. I am mocking its clumsy dunderheadedness in trying to make its partisanship sound historic. Every one of these three endorsements was a battlecry against Trump which could have been penned by the staff at National Review." . . . 

. . ."In none of these endorsements were any facts or evidence of abuse of power by Mister Trump. Indeed, the magazine failed to decry Obama using the FBI to spy on The Donald in 2016. Morality on a sliding scale is simply evil.

"While the words are different in each one, the editorials are the same as they argue that Trump is this big Bogey Man who will destroy the country.

"Such fearmongering worked the first time because Trump had no track record. Fortunately, Hillary had a track record and people chose him hoping that he was less of a threat to the country.

"Such fearmongering worked the second time under an overblown pandemic panic, as it enabled Democrats to flood the ballot boxes with mailed in ballots — and even then it was too close to call for 10 days.

"But now, Americans know what Trump can do because of what he has done. Americans also know that a Harris presidency will be a pale continuation of the rat-infested presidency of Biden.

"Other publications are hopping aboard the Endorse Harris For Virtue Signals game. Axios reported, “Scientific American makes second-ever endorsement, backs Kamala Harris.”

"What was the first? You guessed it: Biden four years ago.

"While Kamala, the generic Democrat nominee, racks up all these endorsements from the Keyborne Warriors, men with real talent and accomplishment are lining up behind one of their own: Donald Trump. At the moment, the leader of the pack is Elon Musk." . . .

Rich Terrell

Conservative economics gives policymakers the tools to understand capitalism and harness its power for the benefit of American workers, their families and communities, and the national interest.


Rich Terrell

. . ."Thus, in conservative economics, free markets are a means to an end, not an end unto themselves. They are necessary but not sufficient to the economy’s proper ends—not only rising consumption, but also expanding the nation’s productive capacity, preserving its institutions, and supporting its families. Capitalism has an unparalleled ability to generate widespread prosperity. But it succeeds only when competing firms pursue profit by investing in the productive use and fair compensation of labor, and when people are well-equipped to engage in the market as entrepreneurs and workers and in their communities as citizens. Public policy plays an indispensable role in maintaining those conditions.

"At American Compass, we work to restore this conservative economic tradition, atop which our nation rose from colonial backwater to continent-spanning industrial colossus. We believe that conservative economics demands a focus on:

Productive Markets: Policymakers must constrain destructive and speculative profit-seeking and channel both talent and investment toward productive pursuits that advance the nation’s liberty and prosperity. Read More

Supportive Communities: Policymakers must foster the institutions that allow the market to deliver on its promise for workers, their families, and the nation. Read More

Responsive Politics: Policymakers must focus on the outcomes that people define as most important through democratic politics, rather than merely accepting those deemed most efficient by market logic. Read More

“It’d be a GIFT by Jewish State to Humanity if Israelis Destroyed Iran’s Nuclear Facilities”

We all know the West would breathe easier and rejoice silently while condemning Israel as our ignorant scarf people would riot in the streets. TD

Anna Magdalena W.      “The idea of allowing a genocidal theocratic unstable dictatorship that is desperate to avoid being overthrown by its own people, to develop nuclear weapons is about the most dangerous and irresponsible thing that the world could ever allow.

And if Israel were to stop that genocidal theocratic unstable government from acquiring nuclear weapons it would be a gift by the Jewish state to humanity”

— Canada’s next Prime Minister Pierre Poilievre

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Iranian activist DESTROYS Ta-Nehisi Coates and Trevor Noah over their support for violent jihad


"The other day, we told you how Ta-Nehisi Coates lost his mind because a journalist at CBS asked him some tough questions. It was deserved, because Coates went on the Trevor Noah podcast and said he'd likely participate in the rape and mass murder of women and children because of 'oppression.'

"It's despicable, and now here's an Iranian activist who absolutely WRECKED Coates and Noah over their support of jihad.


Kyle Smith
Remember when CBS News ran an interview with a pro-Hamas propagandist on the anniversary of October 7 and then apologized for not being pro-Hamas enough?