Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Sequel! Pandemonium at CBS News After Journalist Pushes Back on Anti-Israel Author Ta-Nehisi Coates

 Legal Insurrection  

“ 'I have to say, when I read the book, I imagine if I took your name out of it, took away the awards, the acclaim, took the cover off the book, publishing house goes away, the content of that section would not be out of place in the backpack of an extremist,” Dokoupil said."

. . ."But back to the Monday call, one brave member of the news team, Jan Crawford, spoke up in defense of Dokoupil, correctly pointing out that asking tough questions and challenging the premises of people in positions of influence and/or power is what reporters are supposed to do:

“I don’t even understand how Tony’s interview failed to meet our editorial standards… I thought our commitment was to truth. When someone comes on our air with a one-sided account of very complex situation—which Coates himself acknowledges that he has—it’s my understanding that as a journalist we are obligated to challenge that worldview, so that our viewers can have access to the truth and can have a more balanced account…”

“… And that is what Tony did. He challenged Coates’ one-sided worldview, Coates got to respond. It was civil… I don’t see how we can say that it failed to meet our editorial standards…. Tony prevented a one-sided account from being broadcast on our network about a deeply complex situation that completely was devoid of history or fact. As journalists, that’s what we have an obligation to do.”

"But the powers that be at CBS News would not be swayed. In response to the uproar, they invited a DEI expert, Dr. Donald Grant, to come in and soothe ruffled feathers. But that idea soon got nixed after social media sleuths discovered some rather eye-opening posts from Grant:

Originally, CBS News had invited a self-described “mental health expert, DEI strategist, and trauma trainer” named Dr. Donald Grant to moderate a conversation on the issue in an all-staff meeting on Tuesday. That plan was scrapped after old social media posts from Dr. Grant surfaced—including one where he referred to South Carolina senator Tim Scott as “Uncle Tim” (a reference to “Uncle Tom”) and another of him describing a possible second Trump term as “MAGAcide” and the “death of a nation.” Seems like just the guy you should call when you want to smooth things over. (A source close to the drama told The Free Press that the network was “humiliated by his Instagram.”) . . .

Much more drama in the comments below the above article. TD

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