Friday, December 10, 2010

Filibuster-mania: Socialist Bernie Sanders blocks Senate tax deal (Updated)

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Michelle Malkin  "It’s hour five of FiliBernie! — the class war demagogue Bernie Sanders’ filibuster of the tax deal on the Senate floor."

Senator Bernie Sanders and his oath "Several AT contributors (including me) have clearly explained why the American Constitution is wholly incompatible with socialism. These reasons are mainly because first; the government can never, ever be the purveyor of our rights, and second; our Constitution is a charter of negative rights and negative liberties. These concepts are both diametrically opposed to socialism."

A Rebuttal to Bernie Sanders  "We're talking about small businesspeople, $250,000, 500,000, 750,000, these are the people that employ other people and they are not paying a tax rate of 16.6%. To pay an effective tax rate of 16.6% you're paying tax on dividends, not income. There is no way people at 36% -- trust me on this -- there is no way people paying 36% are paying an effective rate of 16. By the way, the effective rate definition is a little misleading itself. And Bernie Sanders knows this." Rush Limbaugh

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