Friday, December 10, 2010


Neal Boortz  ""This is the beginning of a concerted campaign across the board to knock conservative opinion off the air." Why does Bozell believe they are doing this? Because "they can't debate us anymore," so they've resorted to character assassination. Bozell points out that they tried the Fairness Doctrine, they tried localism campaigns, and now their latest effort starts with the demonization of Rush Limbaugh. He says that Al Sharpton is stirring the puddin', starting the chatter, making people think: well if Rush Limbaugh IS racist, what should we do about it? Once people think there is a problem, then they will search for solutions. This is where they turn to the government, which regulates the "public's airwaves." "

Sharpton Meeting With FCC to Demand Rush Be Thrown Off Air  ""Rush Limbaugh has the right to say whatever he wants to say, he does not have the right, though, to do it on publicly regulated airwaves. The FCC has the responsibility to set standards," Sharpton added."

Could one reason be because of Rush's Justice Brothers bits like this?
"Here is the latest from the "Just Us" Brothers. I love these radio commercials. Wonder if it helps with their shakedown business. From the law firm of 'Sharpton & Jackson'." Via TV Never Sleeps.

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