Friday, December 10, 2010

The war against America- how wikileaks is the front of progressive american hate

Freedomist "This is an intelligence analysis and an update on the Wikileaks War now being waged between Progressive activists along with their allies against the US and the West in general. we are reporting this as a war because the objective of both sides is to compel the other to comply with their agenda. Wikileaks forces are wishing to bring down the US and US allies, particularly in the Middle East, while the US and her allies are attempting to silence the wikileaks team and protect the sanctity of their secret information."
This is a war between a 7th century, barbaric culture and the civilized Christian-influenced West with some of our own people supporting the killers of women and children. We could ask why they could possibly side with the terror culture but there would be no plausible answer. The Israelis have been asking that for most of the past century and still can't understand it.

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