Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Requiem for Diversity of Thought; The deathliness of permissible politics under the Obama regime.

American Spectator
"The past four years have proven that Barack Obama does not understand what “diversity” means, and while that might be an occupational hazard for anyone as emotionally invested in community organizing as this president continues to be, it’s also the kind of willful ignorance that explains why no course correction can be expected from his operatives, either."
....When the Institute for Energy Research did the math, dividing federal expenditures in this area since 2009 by the number of permanent jobs created, it came up with the shocking cost of $11.45 million per green job. Any president willing to embrace prudent diversity in energy policy might wonder about that number, or look favorably on the Keystone XL Pipeline and the shale boom, but Barack Obama has done none of those things.

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