Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Obama doctrine is a huge failure because it isn’t based on US interests

Nile Gardiner  "Rove argues rightly that on Iraq and Afghanistan, Barack Obama has projected weakness rather than strength, sending a clear signal to America’s enemies that this administration doesn’t have the resolve and commitment that is needed. At the same time the United States has appeased the Islamist regime in Tehran, with President Obama failing to stand with pro-democracy protesters who were brutally suppressed in the aftermath of the fraudulent June 2009 presidential election..... Hillary Clinton’s “reset” strategy towards Moscow has been an embarrassing flop, only serving to encourage Putin’s Russia to become more aggressive. As Rove notes, “it’s hard to see a strategic vision for Mr. Obama’s foreign policy. To the degree that a vision exists, it has seemed aimed at diminishing America’s presence in the world.' ”

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