Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Some late items

Fort Hood Shooter Gets To Grill His Own Victims
"Not sure why they just didn’t accept his guilty plea, rather then having to put the victims through this. But hopefully, confronting him and calling him out for what he is will be cathartic."   Read the account at Fox News
But he declined to cross-examine one of his shooting victims, Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford, who provided the day’s most damning testimony.
Priebus: DNC Banned Fox from Debates, Why Can’t We Avoid CNN, NBC?   "“We have to control the referees that we’re bringing into our
playground,” Priebus said of his threat to prohibit CNN and NBC from holding Republican-primary debates in 2016. “The fact of the matter is you’ve got two networks that are potentially spending millions of dollars, promoting a person they know is at least doing the dance in getting ready for a run for the president.” "

RNC to Media: We Won't Let You Make 'Mockery' of Candidates, Debates
 "Sean Spicer, the communications director for the Republican National Committee (RNC), said on Monday that the RNC will not let the mainstream media make "a mockery" of the GOP's presidential nominating process and candidates in the 2016 election cycle."

NBC News Responds to RNC: We Aren't Involved In Hillary Movie
"Moreover, during the 2012 presidential campaign, when Mitt Romney and the RNC said over and over again that they were completely separate from Todd Akin and his abortion/rape comments, that didn't stop NBC News, NBC's Today Show, or MSNBC from tying them all together into the Democrats' artificial War on Women narrative. NBC waged this blistering attack for weeks."
CNN: 'Disservice to Voters' for RNC Not to Have Us Host Debates

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