Monday, December 21, 2015

Must-see ISIS recruiting video uses American politician (and it ain't Trump)

Thomas Lifson  "Hillary Clinton has got a lot of 'splainin to do.  And just wait until Donald Trump takes a look at the ISIS recruiting video below that zooms in on a picture of her husband as it denounces “fornicators” among the American infidels.
"I urge readers to view this 4-minute-plus English-language video in its entirety.  It is stunningly well done, and it helps explain how ISIS is able to appeal to Muslims living in the West, often upset at their place in society, and looking for a way to assert their righteousness and strength."

Trump demands apology from Hillary over claim ISIS using tapes of him for recruiting
. . . "This puts Hillary in a very awkward place. Does she try to brazen through, the way Trump does? If so, will it work for her? My guess is that it will not, that a double standard will apply – the politician (Hillary) being held to a different standard than the outsider (Trump). This will knock her off balance, to say the least." . . .

Weekly Standard has this on the subject

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