Friday, December 1, 2017

How about Matt Lauer rape-button helmets for the next Women's March?

Ethel C. Fenig

. . . "Ashley Judd, daughter of and sister of entertainers and sometime entertainer herself, opened the proceedings, chirping, "I'm a nasty woman," based on a poemwritten by a 19-year-old angry at Donald Trump (R).  Ooooh, scary.  But several months later, the very same Ashley Judd revealed serious accusations of rape and other severe sexually predatory behavior against supporter of liberal causes Harvey Weinstein, opening up a torrent of up 'til now secret and private horror incidents of sexual abuse by prominent entertainment, journalism, and  business personalities – overwhelmingly liberal males who publicly professed the utmost respect for women.  Was this part of a devious plan to deceive Weinstein?  
"Madonna followed these little girl mumblings by  swearing and sharing her "thoughts of blowing up the White House," which she later complained "weretaken out of context."  Yeah.  
"And as, er, icons are toppled, with new ones added even as we read that other, um, icons such as Gloria Steinem and several feminists are re-evaluating (kinda-sorta) the pass they gave Bill Clinton (D) nearly 20 years ago after numerous non-elite Southern women credibly accused him of rape and other sexual deviancies, the open secrets of other "icons" such as the Kennedy brothers, Ted(D) and John (D) (may they both rest in peace), are resurfacing. " . . .
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