Monday, November 11, 2019

Call for Alito and Kavanaugh Recusal Exposes Glaring Double Standard

Carrie Severino  

"As Newsweek has reported, Aaron Belkin, the executive director of the liberal activist group Take Back the Court, sent a letter last week to Justices Alito and Kavanaugh demanding that they recuse themselves from the three pending Title VII cases before the Court. The reason: They met and posed for a picture with Brian S. Brown, the president of the National Organization for Marriage (NOM), an organization that has filed an amicus brief in those cases.
"Belkin’s letter makes clear his organization’s belief that anything short of recusal would be unethical and asserts, “The credibility and impartiality of the current Supreme Court is in tatters. Posing for photographs with the president of an advocacy organization that has filed briefs in matters pending before the court makes a mockery of Chief Justice Roberts’ assertion that a judge’s role is to impartially call balls and strikes.”
"Since the letter confines its ire to those two justices, let’s consider whether Belkin himself is calling balls and strikes in reaching the conclusion that those two conservative justices must disqualify themselves.
"First, some context: Brown did indeed meet the two justices. It was as part of a group that took a photo on October 29. Aside from the two justices and Brown, the photo included Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller, Princess Gloria von Thurn und Taxis, and an unidentified priest. Brown posted the photo to his personal Twitter account on October 29 under the caption, “Great day at US Supreme Court #SCOTUS with #CardinalMueller, Princess Gloria #ThurnundTaxis with Justices #SamuelAlito and #BrettKavanaugh.” . . .
Full article.

CARRIE SEVERINO is chief counsel and policy director to the Judicial Crisis Network.

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