Monday, November 11, 2019

Mollie Hemingway Names The Whistleleaker On Fox

This was after the Fox hosts had been told not to use Eric Ciaramella’s name.
Apparently bootlegged by a viewer.

"House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff expressed anger he wasn't told ahead of time about the kill mission in Syria. Trump didn't feel he had any need to inform Schiff of the upcoming raid on the Baghdadi compound. He just figured the Whistleblower would tell him about it."  Comedian Argus Hamilton

There was a video in this spot showing Mollie Hemingway discussing the name of the whistleblower. It was removed by YouTube. Let's see what they do with these videos:

Eric Ciaramella. Would that be a good child name?

His name is... Eric Ciaramella

You didn't hear The Name from me, right?

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