Monday, December 9, 2019

More 'crumbs': Nancy Pelosi delivers sour curdled response to blowout jobs report

Democrats really do have a low estimate of our intelligence, don't they?

Tony Branco
Pelosi: again with the "crumbs"?  " House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who's trying to impeach President Trump and doesn't want to be interrupted, knows better than anyone that Friday's blowout jobs report was crazy good news for President Trump.
"RealClearPolitics is running headlines like these:
"Not a good look for someone who's trying to overthrow a president.
"So ... Pelosi reacted the same way to this jobs bonanza party-hearty it's-raining-jobs fest the same way she reacted to the news that American workers were starting to walk off with $1,000 bonuses, as a direct result of President Trump's tax cuts.
"Remember how bitter Pelosi sounded when she called those worker bonuses 'crumbs'?
"Now that's she's impeachment queen, the jobs blowout make her bitterer still, so she put out this just-like-last-time reaction:
“Despite some encouraging numbers, the November jobs report offers little solace to the farmers and hard-working families who are struggling to stay above water with the costs of living rising and uncertainty surging.
“We must take action to strengthen the health and financial security of America’s seniors and families.  Next week, the House will pass our transformational Lower Drug Costs Now Act to finally stop Americans from having to pay more for their medicines than what Big Pharma charges for the same drugs in other countries.  
"Stupid woman. We all know she's tried the crumbs thing before. " . . .

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