Monday, December 9, 2019

13 Things To Look For In The Inspector General FISA Abuse Report

Margot Cleveland  . . . Horowitz’s investigation was limited in scope and thus will leave unanswered many of the questions surrounding the FBI’s targeting of the Trump campaign in the spring and summer of 2016—concerns hopefully addressed soon by Attorney General William Barr and the federal prosecutor he assigned to investigate those matters, Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham. But, given the breadth of the already released details indicating substantial abuse of the FISA process, the IG’s report should address a plethora of problems, some identified by then-House Intelligence Committee chairman, Devin Nunes, and many more discovered as additional facts became known while the Russia collusion hoax unraveled over the last two years.

1. Concerns about Federal Surveillance of Carter Page 
2. What Criminal Allegations Existed Against Page?
3. Did the FBI Follow the Woods Procedures?
4. Why Did Page’s Application Not Follow the Usual Path?
5. Was Any Application Info False or Misleading?
6. Hiding the Steele Dossier Commissioners From the Court
7. Why the FBI Lied about Steele’s Press Contacts
8. Other Information Questioning Steele’s Reliability
9. The Bruce Ohr Problems
10. Then There’s Nellie Ohr
11. What the FBI Withheld about Page’s Help Prosecuting Spies
12. The Real Origin of Crossfire Hurricane
13. What Role Did Joseph Mifsud Play?

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