Monday, December 9, 2019

More on the Pensacola murderer

All emphases in the original.
What Really Happened at NAS Pensacola, and Why   "Per Navy policy, none had weapons to defend themselves with.
"The first responders that confronted the shooter were from the local sheriff’s department. Two were wounded in the gun battle, and the terrorist was killed. Three active duty Americans were dead, 8 more wounded, 2 deputies wounded. Many of the wounded were shot through the doors of classrooms on multiple floors of building 633. Most of the base remained on lockdown well into the afternoon as the base was systematically searched for the missing Saudi terrorists officers. By day’s end, 6 additional Saudi Arabian officers were in FBI custody, and several were at large in the community and a man-hunt is still underway.
"So, over a 5 day span, the terrorist checked in, acquired a handgun with 4 extended magazines and ammunition, posted a manifesto online condemning the US as a “nation of evil” along Islamist and anti-Semitic lines, planned and executed his attack with at least 3 accomplices. At least 10 Saudi Military Officers knew of the plan, and either participated or did nothing to stop it. Each one of these individuals had passed the screening process to come train in the United States. That brief recount of the chain of events begs a series of questions, some of which are easier to answer than others.
"Here are some of the most obvious questions, and my best effort to answer them." . . .  
Authorities searching for unaccounted Saudi nationals following Pensacola shooting
. . . "The FBI was already questioning six Saudi nationals who were connected to Alshamrani after two were caught filming the attack. According to a press conference on Saturday, authorities had contacted four more Saudi nationals, bringing the total to 10. Three of the men detained were guests at Alshamrani’s dinner party where he aired videos of other mass shootings." . . .

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