Monday, December 14, 2020

China? Harris?...Obama? Who will run America now?

 RedState also points out that Biden's now got the lean and hungry Obama-linked Kamala at his side, and worse still is larding up his Cabinet with former Obama administration retreads such as Tom Vilsack and Susan Rice. Ben Rhodes and Valerie Jarrett, we assume, won't be far behind.

Obama lets the cat out of the bag: He's got plans to make Joe Biden his stooge  "Joe Biden, who couldn't even get President Obama's endorsement during the primaries, now has word that Obama may well use him as his marionette stooge for what's in fact a third Obama term.

"He's not even trying to hide it.

"In an interview over the weekend with Stephen Colbert for The Late Show, Obama admitted:

. . . "Transcript: 

... and I used to say, you know what, if I can make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front-man, or a front-woman, and they had an earpiece in and I was just in my basement in my sweats looking through the ... stuff, and then I could sort of deliver the lines but someone was doing all the talking and ceremony, I'd be fine with that ...

"This ought to be embarrassing for Biden, given that Obama is effectively letting word slip out that he intends to be Biden's backseat driver, telling the old dotard what to do from behind closed doors, maybe even from some basement.  That's not exactly a vote of confidence, even as Biden presumably assumes the reins of the richest and most powerful nation on Earth.

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