Saturday, December 12, 2020


Louder with Crowder  "You don't need two eyes to see what a horrible human being Nancy Pelosi is. I wouldn't call her "evil." I save that word for people who are Hitler bad. But words like "wretched" are apropos. Pelosi has held the American people hostage over COVID aid for months, metaphorically speaking. No, "fact" "checkers," I'm not saying she literally has the American people in a hole and is telling them "it puts the lotion in the basket." I'm saying that I am of the opinion the speaker of the House is why aid to millions of Americans has not been passed." . . .

"We've known for months that Speaker Pelosi was holding the American people hostage for political gain. ... While Americans suffered under unscientific, foolish lockdowns, Pelosi withheld relief for political purposes – not policy purposes, but political purposes. But we now have a full admission. She said the quiet part out loud. Yes, I know technically Nancy Pelosi is a "she." The meme still works. Nancy Pelosi cannot get dragged for COVID aid and the lack thereof enough. A few in the media tried to criticize her. Pelosi freaked out on them for doing so. It's actually impressive she called Wolf Blitzer a Republican apologist while keeping a straight face. Decades of Botox must prevent unnecessary mouth movements. You no doubt have friends and family who are struggling. Claiming "both sides" are preventing help. Show them this video. It's only been one side this whole time. We could be arguing over a fourth aid package by now if Nancy Pelosi wasn't such a bitterly partisan shrew."

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