Tuesday, February 8, 2022

The trucks devour Ottawa


AfterMath - Home (terrellaftermath.com)

Court issues 10-day ban on honking in downtown Ottawa (theweek.com)  . . ."Ottawa police are also working to cut off the truckers' fuel supply, warning Monday that "anyone found bringing fuel to the demonstration trucks in the red zone could be subject to arrest and charges.' ". . .

 "Canada’s princess Trudeau and his government-funded news outlet, the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), are treating Canadian truckers the same way American lefty news outlets report on Jan. 6, spewing lots of lies about “Nazis” and phantom violence.". . .
"One man, believed to be a paid actor, showed up carrying a confederate flag. He was also the only person in the video covering his face. He was promptly and peacefully called out by protesters and asked to leave."
"The only actual violence occurred when a car plowed through some protesters in Winnipeg, and it wasn’t a Canadian patriot at the wheel. You can see it hereGRAPHIC WARNING.

Does he not realize there were no Canadian confederates?

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