Wednesday, October 12, 2022

As always, Democrats are deaf to cries for liberty in Iran

 Why Are The Democrats Terrified Of Iran? (  

Iran’s muted response to the killing of Qasem Soleimani has de-escalated the situation in the Middle East. So why are Democrats cowering in fear of the Iranian regime?

. . ." This is the United States of America. We are the world’s only superpower, we have the greatest military in the world, and the most awesome set of capabilities any nation on earth has ever had. Expressing fear of a second rate authoritarian regime to own Trump isn’t just dumb, its frankly un-American. Show a little backbone, Democrats. The way to handle a bully is to punch him in the nose, which is exactly what the president did. This shaking in fear in the face of Iran is not as good a look as the Democrats think it is." Would Tulsi Gabbard?

As always, Democrats are deaf to cries for liberty in Iran - American Thinker

. . .But Biden isn’t speaking the truth. Instead, like Obama before him, he’s being remarkably silent. In 2009, during Obama’s first year as president, when he was at the peak of his popularity at home and abroad, a corrupt election in Iran led to the massive Iranian Green Movement which was demanding that President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad leave office. Americans supported the Green Movement. Unfortunately, Obama didn’t. He was silent, offering no encouragement at all to the protesters, and the protests died away.

Thirteen years later, Biden is doing the same. He hasn’t stated strong support for those Iranian people bravely standing up against a tyrannical government that foments world terror, demands Israel’s annihilation, and still chants “Death to America.” Instead, just last week, Newsweek reported that “Biden Plans to Continue Iran Deal Talks Despite Regime’s Brutal Crackdown.”

Violence — The calling card of the Democratic Party  But not against this nation's enemies; only our fellow citizens. 
"The Democrat Party has embraced violence as its modus operandi. The party has sent a message to its adherents that anything goes in the pursuit of power—from weaponizing the FBI and IRS against political opponents, to rigging elections, to the use of violence. Democrats will not hesitate to deprive you of your basic rights if it suits their purpose. If that entails violent behavior aimed at you, too bad.
"A classic example of Democratic Party-supported violence is occurring as mobs attempt to intimidate conservative Supreme Court justices by protesting in front of their homes. Although this is expressly prohibited by federal law, you won’t see the Democrat-controlled Justice Department taking action against the protestors. Breaking the law has become acceptable.". . .

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