Tuesday, August 8, 2023

“Hillary Clinton Wants to Save Me from Loneliness, and Honestly I’d Just Rather Die of It.”

 PJ Media

Commie Sad Grandma Hillary Clinton Is Even Drunker Than We Thought – 

. . ."It’s pathologically bizarre how the sufferers of the Democrat fever dream can find a way to blame everything on a one-term president. One can easily imagine Hillary up in Chappaqua, rocking back and forth in one of her patchwork muumuus as she drains another box of wine and muttering, “He’s always here,” over and over.

"Whenever I bump into anyone who is pondering just how deep the political/ideological divide in the United States of America is, I point out the fact that there are still millions of people in this country who think that Hillary Clinton is a woman to be admired. In their minds, she’s had many great accomplishments in her life. In reality, she made it to wear she is by riding her husband’s coattails. She made a deal with the devil after he was besmirching everything in the Oval Office that was besmirchable whilst romping with an intern. She’d stay with him, and he’d give her a career.

"Well, Rudy Giuliani had to get cancer first. I’ve always wondered about that one.

"Anyway, the poor dear is not well. More from VodkaPundit:

Technically, though, it won’t be Clinton that saves us from the Orange Man Bad and his weaponized loneliness. Instead — and maybe you’re way ahead of me already — it’s going to “take a village.” You know, the same village that’s raising pubescent girls to think that they need to take male hormones and undergo double mastectomies.

Clinton — and the projection on display here boggles everything from your mind down to your toes — blames “Trump and other right-wing leaders [who] politicized the pandemic and turned public health into a wedge issue” for our current troubles. The shark from “Jaws” couldn’t swallow that line without choking.

"Those of us who are not concussed remember that it was the Democrats who “politicized the pandemic” and used it to make election integrity drop the soap in the prison shower so they could put a puppet in the White House.

"Hillary Clinton’s unceasing battles for relevance continue to plague the country. She’s like a political ghost who is unsettled in the “everyone has moved on” afterlife and wants to haunt us all with lunatic ravings about Donald Trump until we say, “OK Grams, we SEE you. Now please God have an Altoid.' ” . . .

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