Tuesday, August 8, 2023

UPDATED: The gods of soccer had enough of toxic feminists

"Might be nice to call out by name the women on the team that didnt act disrepectful. I feel sorry for them being mixed in with the activists. Regardless of how those few women played they at least represented our country well. They deserved better teammates."

"As an American who still hopes and believes better for our country, I can proudly say that I'm glad Sweden won. The American womas team was a huge embarassment and they deserved to lose the way they did. This American refuses to support wokeness, lgbtqabcdxyz, etc. Oh, and by the way, ALL LIVES MATTER. I hope and pray for better days for America."

Image courtesy of The Slammer.

The gods of soccer had enough of toxic feminists - American Thinker . . ."Honestly, who knows?  I did hear from many soccer analysts that this team did not play hungry.  Maybe they had something else in their minds.  Maybe the young women from Sweden had more fun on the field.  They looked like it.

"Last, but not least, the era of Megan Rapinoe is finally over.  She can now move on to advertising sandwiches or Biden's re-election.  Her attitude polluted this team and had many of her countrymen actually cheering that she missed the penalty kick.

"Let me get back to baseball or the NFL, and I will consider another soccer post when the World Cup comes to the U.S."

Jason Whitlock on Megan Rapinoe: 'She's One of the Phoniest Athletes Ever' (msn.com)    "Jason Whitlock: “I was thrilled with what happened on Sunday. ‘The Great Gay Hope’ ruined the U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team. I think their collapse mirrors the dissent of Megan Rapinoe. She’s made this whole thing the last three years about her brand and building herself up." . . . 

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